1. Say What?

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This is the first chapter of the second story of the LTD series.  To check out this story and the rest of the series go to:


...until I have transferred everything over here. Thank you! *salutes*

Let me ask you a question? How do you usually wake up in the morning? Let me guess....your alarm clock? Or your mom? Or even your cute puppy licking your face, right?

Well, not this girl. I don't remember the last time I was woken up in a, what could possibly classify as 'normal', way. Huh? Oh, you are waiting for me to give you an example to prove it, huh? Well, this is what happened the morning after the BBQ.

Jess *asleep, on her back*

Joe *hovering right above Jess, his face only a couple of inches from hers*

Jess *waking up, slowly opens eyes* "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!"

Joe *grins* "Good morning, sunshine!"

Jess *beats on Joe with her teddy bear* "YOU. FRIKKEN. SUCK! Are. you. mental?"

Joe *laughing his head off, tries grabbing both of Jess' wrists to hold her down* "Hi, I am Joseph, your personal alarm clock."

Jess *tries hard to get Joe away from her* "NOT funny! Get off...JOSEPH!!!!!!"

Joe *wraps arms around Jess* "I am a special alarm clock with special features. I give bear hugs."

Jess *tries to wiggle free* "You ARE special...at least you admit it."

Joe *kisses Jess on cheek*


*Mom comes running into Jess' room*

Mom *panic in her voice* "Sweetie, are you OK? Are your levels off, I came as soon as I h-...*sees what's going on* Oh, Joseph! That was NOT what I had in mind, when I asked you to wake up your sister."

Jess *to mom* "So this is all YOUR fault??"

Mom *laughs* "I'm sorry, sweetie, I should have known. Joseph, please let go of her. *to Jess* And sweetie, we gotta get going. We have some stuff to discuss so we're having a family meeting in about 30 mins!" *turns around, about to leave room, over her shoulder* "Joseph, please let go of your sister!"

Joe *still hugging Jess* "But she loves it. Look at her!"

Jess *looks anything but thrilled* "Joe."

Joe *grins* "Jess."

Jess "You know, you're gonna pay for this, right?"

Joe *gives Jess one last tight squeeze, and let's go*

Jess "Ufff"

Joe "Oh, by the way, mom wanted me to gently wake you up to let you know we're having a family meeting in a little."

Jess *throws her pillow at Joe* "OUT!" *laughs*

Joe "I'm gonna go now...See ya!" *leaves room*

Jess *sighs*

Joe *pokes head back in* "We should do this again sometime..."

Jess *throws another pillow at Joe, laughing*

Joe "OK, OK..." *laughs and leaves for good this time*

Jess "OK" *sighs, grabs an outfit for the day and her phone, then heads towards the bathroom* *out loud, talking to herself* "Any other brother wanna just pop in, scare the crap out of me, or bother me in any other kind of way?....No?....good!....Oh God, now I'm talking to myself....it WAS only a matter of time till I was gonna go clinically insane....*bathroom door opens right when Jess grabs for the door knob* HOLY MOTHER OF BATMAN!"

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