Whats your guys' favorite holiday?

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Ponyboy: Valentines Day
You both love spoiling each other on Valentine's Day. Not only that, but you guys get to spend a lot of time together on this day! As tradition, you guys will usually watch a romantic comedy before the day is over.

Sodapop: Christmas
DAMN, what a time to be alive! You two love buying gifts for family and friends, and receiving gifts, as well! Usually, the week when Christmas is, you guys will nuzzle up next to each other in a big blanket, sitting down on the couch in you pajamas while you watch movies and drink hot chocolate.

Darry: New Years Eve
You two absolutely love spending New Years Eve together. You get to hang out with Darry and the whole gang. He'll barbecue, while the rest of you cuddle up into a blanket, telling old stories as you're circled around the small fire. It's the most fun Darry has the whole entire year, he gets to stay up and have a good time. It's also a great bonding time- everyone gets to share memories from that year, and so on!

Dallas: Halloween
Okay, this one might have been obvious. Although you guys might even do this when its not Halloween, but you two love to dress up REALLY scary and go out scaring children. It's cruel, but both of you seem to find a lot of humor in it. Usually, as it nears the end of the night, Dally starts to complain about how stupid it is, so he drags you to Buck's to drink the rest of the night.

Johnny: Fourth of July
Since Johnny is usually sleeping in the lot, you'll go there and keep him company. You guys love looking at the starry night, but you love even more to watch big fireworks go off. Afterwards, you guys will sometimes go out and eat at the dingo, or sneak into a movie at the Nightly Double.

Two-Bit: St Patrick's day
The only reason Two-Bit likes this holiday is because he can pinch whoever isn't wearing green. Although you don't do any pinching, you like to follow Two around and watch him do it. It's funny to see the strangers reactions to him pinching them!

Steve: Thanksgiving
It's simple: you both love Thanksgiving for all the FOOD there is. He'll cook the turkey and what not, and you'll make a whole bunch of chocolate cakes for him.

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