Chapter Fifteen

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Hopes pov

I wake up with Luke's red flannel draped over me. I smile and slide the flannel over my shirt. I carefully adjust my self so Luke doesn't wake up. It was still dark.
I had a nightmare early, Luke had to calm me down so I didn't make a sence.
Why does this boy love me? I'm a big embarrassment. I'm not even that attractive. I'm the definition of drama queen.
I don't deserve this boy, this boy who has turned into a man who loves me. 
"Why did you love me?" I whisper to him, I run my fingers through his hair. He looked so young asleep. Exactly like he did when I first meet him.
I know he didn't hear me. He still had his head on my shoulder. His soft breaths escaping his mouth. Past the perfect his lip and ring that lay perfectly on his bottom lip.
I never understood why terrible things happen to me. I was almost killed a week ago. Then before that I was ganged up on and slapped many times until my knight in shining armour had to rescue me.
I used to be a badass, I miss being brave and daring. Since I left school the need to be like that faded.
Me and Cal both dropped of school. Luke's mom made him graduate.
Maybe I should grow a pair and start acting like that brave scary teen that lives deep down. She's been screaming at me to be free. I should start over. Let lose. I'm still 19, I don't need to be a boring adult just yet do I? No.
Who gives a shit about Jen?
Her name was hard to think about, I'm playing with my thoughts. Maybe forgetting won't e as easy as I thought, but I need to move on.
I push all negitive thoughts to the back my head, along with the girl who crying and whines and complains.
I stretch my arms and  wake Luke up.
"Hey, I'm bored. Be bored with me." I say, he sighs and raises his eyebrow at me.
"Why did you wake me up? It's still dark, go to sleep," he groans.
"No," I argue.
"Why not?"
"Because I'm not tired,"
"Hah. I win!"
He playfully glares at me for a moment and looks around the dark plane.
"Look!" I whisper, I turn and stand on my knees, I look behind us and see a sleeping Calum.
He had his earbuds in, I reached over and slowly picked up his phone. I turn it on, It was paused. I play some stupid heavy metal song and turn the volume up.
"THE FUCK!?" He shouts while ripping the earbuds out. Me and Luke struggle to keep quiet.
"What's wrong mate?" Luke asks.
"I don't know my music just started playing really fucking loundly, scared me shittless!" Calum explains.
"It was aliens," I tell him. His mouth makes a 'O.'
"Hope! Why did you do that? I was dreaming about Selena Gomez!" He whines. He high fives Luke.
I hit Luke in the back off the head.
"Ow! Hope your rude," he teases.
"Hey, you laughed when I did it. Don't play inoccent, but sorry Calum," I cross my arms, that went perfectly! Calum and Luke just talk, probably about Selena Gomez, I scoff.
"Hopes in a bad mood!" Calum teases from behind me.
"Yeah, I'm bored!" I hiss.
"Same. I think we are almost there," Luke speaks, checking his phone.
"Hopefully," I sigh. I yawn.
"So you are tired, you lied babe," Luke says, his eyebrow raises and I quickly glance at him, his messy hair and..."Hope? Your staring, are you that tired? Or am I that attractive?"
"No, I'm just bored. Sure I guess you can call yourself attractive if it floats your boat!" I sneer.
"Don't deny it, I'm a god aren't I?" He smirks.
"Your a wannabe sex god bro," Calum snorts from behind us.
"Oh really? I define the name se..."
"Okay okay that's enough," I laugh cutting off Luke's attempt at a comeback."If we are being honest, Liam Hemsworth is the real god, why do you think I love the Hunger Games so much?"
"What? I'm way better then that slob!" Luke scoffs. I could hint out the jealousy on his deep blue eyes.
"Jealous?" I tease. He bits his lip, he seemed a bit annoyed."you have my heart, it's okay, I prefer Aussies over Brits anyways."
"Why? Zoe Sugg is really hot!" Calum says behind me.
"Yeah, she's gorgeous, I wish I had her hair. Jesus mines a ball of shit," I basically whine. Stop, she's fighting her way back.
"Don't be silly, I love you and your blonde mess of hair!" Luke laughs and ruffles my hair. I groan and grab the brush from out from out backpack. I rip through knots in my hair.
"Bloody hell, fuck!" I curse under my breath. I accidentally pull to hard and i yelp.
"Can you please be quiet?" A man hisses in front of my,"dumbass teenagers."
"I'm an adult!" I shout back making the boys laugh."no sir I'm not drunk,"
"What you think I'm stupid? My dad's not a cell phone!" Ashton yells from across the aisle.
x_Rain_x a/n: I'm a bad person😂

"Reminder, all passengers are to keep noise down due to other resting passengers in the first class section of the plane," An annoyed flight attendant announces from the back of the plane.
"Sorry ma'am!" I shout back, she fakes a smile and disappears into the room in the back of the plane.
We all crack up as she shuts the door. We get a few stares, the sun was rising and we got the alert that we were landing in a hour.
"You look nice in my flannel Hope," Luke smiles next to me.
"Thanks, I like it. I might steal it," I say.
"Isn't that my flannel Luke?" Ashton asks.
"I think it's my flannel!" Michael says, he was sitting behind us next to Calum.
I awkwardly take the flannel off and set it on Michael's lap.
"Thanks babe!" He teases making Luke glare.

Thanks for reading!


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