Chapter Thirteen

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Hopes pov

I wake up screaming and crying. Luke was trying to calm me down but I just buried my face in my pillow.

I'll kill you in front of everyone you love.

Don't move or I'll slit her throat!

Her words bounced around in my head. The cold knife still felt placed harshly on my neck.

I sob into the pillow ignoring Luke completely. I wanted to die. I didn't understand what was coming out of my mouth.

Luke jumps on top of me and pins my arms down.

He was crying too...

"It's okay baby girl." He whispers in between his own sobs. He still had me pinned down. I couldn't see anything.

The room was dark and cold. I calmed down but he didn't. He cried to my neck. I wrap my arms around him.

"I'm awake now Luke," I say. He sniffs.

"I was so scared you wouldn't let me cuddle you. I'm sorry that I pinned you down." He says. His voice was shaky and low. I kissed him and snuggled up to his chest.

"I'm so sorry I scared you Lu. It was just a terrible dream." I whisper into his shirt.

He said something along the lines of it's okay I love you.

I lay for the next three hours wide Awake. I was extremely hyper. Not happy hyper. Like full of energy. It was 3 in the morning. Luke was sleeping the whole time. I couldn't wake him. He looked so cute asleep. Am I a stalker for watching my boyfriend sleep?

Anyway, I was so jealous that he could just sleep. Even if he had a lot of energy.

I decide to get something drink. I slip from his arm. I cringe as I open the door. I walk to the fridge and grab a water. Calum's light was on so I opened the door. He was on his phone.

"Can't sleep," I say. His head whips up. He smiles and scoots over. I sit down.

"I heard you crying. And Luke. Are you okay?" He asks.

"Not really. I feel like I'm tearing apart the fans and you guys." I say quietly.

"Even if we lose fans, at least we aren't losing you." He says.

"Awh. Thanks. Now I'm going to try to sleep. Night." I give him a hug and walk out.

"Use protection!" He calls. I shush him and snicker to myself. When do I not? Sorry...

I quietly lay back down with my loved one.

"How did your shirt come off?" I whisper.

"I was hot." Luke's says. I almost jump off the bed.

"Did I wake you?" I say biting back the laughter.

"No, I got a text. And you weren't here. Then I heard Calum yell at you. He's a weirdo." He explains. I nod my head.

"I'm sorry, I'm filled with energy. I'm not sure why." I say looking around the dark room.

"I'm not that tired either." He says.

"Don't say that so you can jut stay awake. Go to bed if your tired." I push him slightly and laugh. Maybe I could try to forget about Jen, maybe if I act like I'm fine, I will be fine.

"But I want to stay up with my favorite person in the world." He pouts. I laugh. I give in and let him stay awake.

"So. What now?"

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