Teddy Lupin x reader

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This part is dedicated to kim_the_best, I hope that you all enjoy, and please leave a comment on who you want me to do next.
Thank you! Xxx

(In this story, Dumbledore and Snape still work at the school, all positions are the same as if they never died and it was all like normal)

I rung the doorbell for the Potters household. Teddy, me, James, Albus and Lily were all having a sleepover together, it was going to be my first time sleeping over with them.

I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and held tightly onto my wand, excited for the sleepover.

Mrs. Potter opened the door and smiled when she saw me.

"Good afternoon Mrs Potter! How are you today?" I asked her as I walked into the house.

"I am great thanks! And I already told you to call me Ginny! Mrs. Potter sounds so old and formal! The others are all upstairs in Lilly's room, call for me if you need anything!" She said, before walking into the kitchen.

"Thank you!" I call after her, before i ran up the stairs.

I went down the corridor and walked into Lilly's room.

When I walked in, they immediately stopped talking, I looked at them all suspiciously.

I turned and saw Teddy, he was bright red in the face, so I pretended not to notice.

"Hey guys!" I said, deciding to not question the events beforehand.

"Hey y/n!" Lily said, patting the spot next to her, motioning for me to sit there. I walked over to her and plopped my bag on the floor, and sat in front of it.

Albus and James kept looking between me and Teddy, and when they saw that I noticed what they were doing, they both burst out laughing.

I looked at Teddy, and I saw him glaring at them both, but when he saw me looking he went bright red.

"Did I miss something?" I whispered to Lily, looking at the others suspiciously. She just shrugged, giving me a grin. So that meant that I wasn't getting anything out of her then.

I sighed, hopefully I will find out later.

Soon we were all talking normally again, laughing and joking around.

"Remember the time that you got stuck up the tree y/n? And that Albus ended up getting a teacher to get you down!" James said, laughing.

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, remembering what happened perfectly well.

"It was all your fault James! If you weren't chasing me, I wouldn't have climbed up there!" I said to him, glaring.

"But I was only chasing you because you refused to tell me who you liked!" He said, putting his hands up.

"And you never will find out!" I said, poking my tongue out at him.

"Wait, what happened?" Said Teddy, he wasn't there when this all happened.

"Well, I was minding my business in the common room when James comes along and starts bugging me! So I ran and he followed me, and the next thing I knew, I was hugging a tree branch, screaming at James to stop laughing, get off his butt and help me down! But Albus was walking not too far away and just heard screaming, so he went and told the nearest teacher he could find!" I explained. James burst out laughing, and Albus went bright red.

"I thought someone was in trouble!" He said, holding his hands up.

James smirked at me. "Well, Finish the story then!" I glared at him, I could see him trying to not laugh.

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