Sirius x reader

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I walked down the Hogwarts corridors, my head facing down.

There are days when I can put up with Black's teasing, but today is not one of those days!

Luckily it was a Saturday, so I didn't have to put with him in lessons.

He is just so irritating! He always embarrasses me in front of the rest of the year!

I didn't really have a friendship group.

I got on with people, but I tended to keep to myself.

I used to have a big group of friends, but then Black had to come and ruin it all.

He always walked around like he ruled the place.

I did have a couple of close friends.

Lily and Remus are good friends of mine! But, the difference was that they had other friends.

I walked outside, wrapping my jacket closer around me.

I was wearing some plain black jeans, with a red top and a black leather jacket.

People often judged me for my sense of style, but I liked it, so I guess that that is all that matters.
I went to sit under the tree by the black lake, and saw him and his posse sat there.

I was friends with Remus and got on with Peter, but couldn't stand the other two.

I turned around and decided that the library would be a better place to read.

I started heading back to the castle and heard a commotion and jeering behind me.

I turned around and saw that a crowd had formed around where they were sat.

I saw Lily towards the front, so I decided that I should probibly check it out.

I walked back and pushed through the crowd and stood at the front.

I saw that Black and Potter had caught Severus in a hex.

Poor Severus, he was hanging upside down.

Lily was shouting at Potter, telling him to stop.

"Put him down Black!" I shouted at him.

"Look who has decided to join the party James! Only miss l/n themself!" he jeered, smirking at me.

"This isn't funny Black" I said to him, my fists clenched by my sides.

Black had started ignoring me, the cheek!

They started taunting Severus about getting help from his girlfriends.

The next thing that happened was unexpected.

Severus turned to me and Lily.

"I don't need help from a moodblood and a filthy blood traitor!" he spat.

Lily turned away and stormed off.

I on the other hand was fuming.

Everybody was silent.

I grabbed my wand out of my pocket and stormed over to him.

"YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT!" I screamed, kicking him in his stomach.

Sirius had come over to me and grabbed me, trying to keep me still.

"You will wish that you were never born Snivellus!" I screeched, swinging an arm at his nose.

Sirius grabbed it, trying to stop me.

"Watch it Black, you had your fun, let me have mine!" I said, pointing my wand at Severus.

"Squalter!" I screamed at him.

It was a spell I had created, it would squeeze the victim, suffocating them of oxygen, but they would survive!

I created the spell when I was going through dark times, never thinking that I would ever use it.

Black grabbed my wand out of my hand, releasing Severus from the spell.

Black grabbed my hand and practically dragged me away.

I stayed quiet, not wanting to talk to him.

"Quite a scene you created there l/n! I didn't know that you were so feisty!" he said, sitting me on a bench next to him.

"I was only getting started! He will learn to never ever mess with me!" I started to rant.

Sirius tried to get me to calm down but I wouldn't.

Eventually, he placed his lips on mine, silencing me mid rant.

When he pulled back I stared at him.

"What are you playing at Black? Trying to toy with my emotions? That's just sick, treating me like another one of your flings! For what? A dare? How much money you getting out of that huh? And to think, for a minute I actually liked you!" I said, standing up.

He stood up next to me and pulled me into his chest and whispered into my ear.

"I did it because I liked you you doof!" he said, smiling.

"You, Sirius Black, like me? This is a joke!" I said, refusing to look into his eyes.

He put his fingers under my chin and forced me to look at him.

"Is this a joke to you y/n?" he asked me, placing his lips onto mine again.

I pulled back.

"I can't believe I am doing this! I just kissed Sirius Black, the school playboy! And I liked it!" I thought.

I saw him smirking at me.

I had said it out loud!

"Nice to know that you think so highly of me y/n!" he said, grinning.

I smiled back.

"Nerd!" I said, hugging him.

"But I am your nerd," he said, hugging me back.

All of a sudden, I forgot about plotting revenge on Severus, all I could think about was the boy in front of me.

Thanks for reading this update of my one-shots! I hope you enjoyed! Please leave a comment on who you want me to do next!
Thank you!
P.s. Another thank you to all you viewers! It honestly makes my day to see more reads and likes on my story's!
Thank you! Xxxx

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