Fred Weasley x reader

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I sat down at one of the tables at the side of the hall.

I had come to the Yule Ball with Winter, my best friend (we didn't want all of the fuss of getting the perfect guy to go with so we decided to go as friends) but she had been asked by one of the boys from Durmstrang for a dance, and I hadn't seen her since.

I sighed as I watched people dancing gracefully in the middle of the hall.

I can't dance to save my life.

I put my head on the table and closed my eyes, this was going to be a long night.

"Hello!" A voice called out from beside me.

I jumped and nearly fell out of my seat, before a hand reached out and steadied me.

"Thanks!" I said.

"No problem. Now, I was wondering, what a beautiful young lady such as yourself, is doing all alone, on a night like this?" the boy asked.

I could feel myself blushing at what he said. "Made you blush have I? Well, might you be able to tell me your name?" he asked me.

"It's y/n, y/n l/n" I replied. "What's yours?" I asked him.

"Well, I can't give that information out for free now can I? Stranger danger y/n, stranger danger." he responds.

I stare at him, shocked.

"I told you mine! Please can you tell me, please?" I ask him, pouting a little.

"Nope!" he responds, pushing his ginger hair out of his eyes.

" Well, seeing as I am so pretty as you said it yourself, could there be an exception?" I said.

Giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"Maybe we could have a deal?" he asked me, a sparkle shining in his eyes.

I pretended to think about it.

"What sort of deal?" I ask, curious to what he had in mind.

"I will tell you for the small price of a kiss!" he says, slightly smirking.

"On the cheek!" I said.

He nodded his head making his hair bounce.

"Deal!" I said, shaking his hand.

"Hey, Fred, meeting tonight?" I saw a boy that looks exactly the same as the one I have a deal with call. Fred nods.

"Ha, Fred!" I say.

He just smirks."I won't have to kiss you now!" I say.

"The deal was made before you found out, so, you owe me a kiss!" he says, grinning as I semi-glare at him.

"Fine!" I reply.

He turns his head and points at his cheek.

I lean in to kiss his cheek and he turns his head last minute so I end up kissing him on the lips.

"Well, I really must get going y/n , been a pleasure meeting you. But I must get going! Until next time l/n!" he said before running off, grinning.

"I will get you back one day Fred, and you wont see me coming!" I shout after him, getting a few weird looks of some people, but I didn't care.

I just sat down grinning and watched all of the people dancing.

Hi guys, please do tell me what you think of it and I hope you all enjoyed it! Please do tell me what characters you want me to do in the future! Thanks for the support!

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