Draco x reader

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Draco kept glancing at y/n from the other side of the common room.

"Mate, just ask them out already!" Blaise told him. He had only ever told Blaise that he had a crush on y/n because he knew he could trust him.

"No, I can't, people will think that I've gone soft! I'd loose my reputation!" Draco replied.

"Right, so it's not because you are to chicken to do it?" Blaise said, smirking at him.

"What makes you think that?! I'd be very careful if I was you Zabini! I can ruin you in a second!" Draco said.

"Alright, alright! I was just wondering because I'd thought about possibly asking them out myself!" Blaise said.

Draco glared at him. Blaise didn't really want to go out with y/n, he said it to get on Draco's nerves.

"You wouldn't!" Draco said.

"I would! And you know I would!" He said.

"Not to me though!" Draco said, trying to act innocent.

"That doesn't work on me sorry! You know what?" Blaise said, a smirk on his lips. "I might just go over there and ask them out myself!" Blaise said, getting up from his seat.

"No, please don't!" Draco said, half begging him now.

Blaise ignored him and walked over to y/n. Him and y/n were both good friends, so it was easy for him to start a conversation.

"Y/N WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?!" Draco shouted across the common room, running over to y/n.

Blaise smirked but when he looked at Y/n he stopped, he remembered that you were always scared of being humiliated, especially in the common room.

Y/n ran out of the common room, Draco hot on their heels.

Y/n turned a corner and tripped over a book that Peeves must have left from one of his pranks.

Draco saw y/n fall and ran faster than before to your side. Checking if you were alright.

"Leave me alone!" You shouted, trying to get up, but failing because you twisted your ankle.

Draco picked you up, bridal style, ignoring your protests.

"I really like you y/n!" Draco said.

"Yeah, because nothing says I like you, more than screaming at you across the common room, humiliating you!" You replied. He liked this about you, you would always tell him what you thought.

"Yeah, sorry about that! Its just that Blaise was going to ask you out, and I got jealous." He said, blushing at his own confession.

"Ha! Blaise wouldn't ask me out! Didn't he tell you? Me and him are cousins! And plus, he is not my type." You said.

"What?!"Draco said, starting to walk towards the hospital wing.

"Haha, yes! And I actually have a crush on someone who isn't him!" You say, seeing Draco's face fall, not knowing that it was him.
"And I refuse to go to the hospital wing!" Draco looks at you, letting you know that he is tajing you whether you like it or not.

"Who?"He asked, sadness in his voice.

You smile at him. "Well, he is in slytherin...." You say.

"Is it Nott? Because he has a thing for a girl the year bellow us." He said.

"Haha, No, its not Nott! Mine has the most beautiful eyes, they always have a sparkle in them...." you say, not noticing how Draco smiles when you laugh.

"Are you sure that you aren't talking about Blaise?" Draco joked.

You smirk at him. "I didn't know that you thought Blaise had beautiful eyes!" You say before laughing.

"Y/n, who is it really?" He says, looking into your eyes.

You look away, knowing that if you looked in his eyes then you would really tell him.

"y/n, look at me..."he says, in just above a whisper.

You turn and look into his eyes, seeing the longing to know the answer.

"It's, um, its you!"you blurt out, wraping your arms around his neck and kissing him gently on the lips.

When you pull away, Draco smiles at you. "You don't know how long I have wanted to hear you say that!"he said.

You grin at him. "But we still have to take you to the hospital wing!"he said, making you mock glare.

You both burst out laughing then continue joking all the way to the hospital wing.

Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoyed this part. Please comment on who you want me to do next, and I would like to thank everybody who has waited so long for this part which was requested quite a while ago but my wattpad was playing up then, so thanks for all your support!

Byyeee xxxxx

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