Draco x Reader

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I ran into the common room crying.

I had just seen my boyfriend, Theo, no, I can't even call him that, Nott, kissing a Ravenclaw!

I couldn't believe my eyes!

At first I ran up to them both and slapped Theo before running off.

But now all I felt was hurt.

I ran upstairs to my dorm and flopped down on the bed, my head in my pillow as I screamed.

Pansy came in and started rubbing my back soothingly.

She had seen me run through the common room upset.

"He doesn't deserve you! He doesn't deserve your tears!" She was whispering into my ear.

I started to relax and eventually my tears stopped.

"Now, the y/n I know wouldn't sit around moping about some boy who doesn't even deserve a glance! She would go out and show him what he's missing out on!" she said, standing up.

"I don't know Pansy! I just want to sleep!" I said to her, earning a small glare from her.

"Y/n, you are honestly the sweetest and bestest friend that a girl could have, but I am not letting you back out of this one!"She said before sitting me in a chair at her desk which she had hung a mirror up on.

I stared at myself in the mirror and groaned. I looked a right mess, my eyes were red and puffy and my hair was sticking up in all sorts of directions, and my makeup was running down my face. I looked hideous.

Pansy took down the mirror and I looked at her like she was mad.

"You are not going to look in a mirror until I am done!" she said, I just nodded, knowing that when Pansy was on a mission, you don't interrupt her.

"Close your eyes while I put make up on you!" she said, pulling out a bag which looked like it would burst.

I look at her unsure of what she was going yo do to me.

"Just do it!" she said. I quickly closed my eyes, not wanting yo get pansy in a bad mood.

"Thank you!" she sighed, before I felt her putting things all over my face.

"Now, open your eyes and put on this outfit I have picked out for you!" she said, pushing a bundle of clothing into my arms and shoving me into the bathroom and slamming the door.

"Somebody is pushy today!" I said, before putting on the outfit.
(outfit at top, or a different outfit of your choice)

It was actually quite cute! Better than some other stuff Pansy has made me wear in the past.

I walk into the bedroom to see Pansy sat on her bed with Draco sat next to her and they were whispering.

"Hello?" I said. They both turned and looked at me.

Pansy and Draco both grinned at eachother and then at me.

"I never fail! Now put on some black flats and get out there girl! Soon you will be like , Nott? Who?" Pansy said, giggling and obviously happy with herself

"Calm down woman!" I joked with her.

"Come on! Can't I be happy?!?!" she squealed.

"Not if you carry on making noises like that!" I said.

"Now get out there and strut girl!" she said, pointing to the door.

"Fine!" grinning at her before putting on some black shoes and going into the common room.

I get down and I don't see Nott anywhere.

At least that means I have time to get dinner!

I walk out of the common room and turn the corner.

I see Nott with the Ravenclaw again and I hold back the urge to slap him.

I start to walk by as I see who it is that he is with.

"CHO?!?!?!" I screech."I can't believe that you of all people would do this to me! We are supposed to be friends!"

"Yeah, about that! I was only your friend because you were popular and went out with Nott! So I have you to thank for our new relationship! Wait! Why am I calling it new? We have been dating in secret for over a month now!" she says, pulling Nott in for another kiss.

My vision gets clouded with tears as I run back to my dorm to cry again.

I can't believe that she used me! Slytherins are supposed to be the sly and cunning ones! And I can't believe that she was dating him at the same time as me!

I lay on my bed as I cry and I hear the door open and close.

I don't bother to see who it was, I could tell that it was Draco because he stank of male deoderant, but there was something comforting about it.

"I saw what happened...." he said, sitting next to me and holding my hand.

"How could she?" I ask him.

He sighed and pulled me into a hug.

"Y/n, you don't deserve a jerk like him, you deserve so much more than that! So much more than anybody can give you...." he said, stroking my hair.

"Thank you!" I said.

"Its okay" he whispered.

He kissed my forhead abd started to rock me gentley.

"I really like you Draco.." I say.

"I really like you too y/n" he said.

I look up at him and kiss him softly on the cheak.

"You missed!" he said, pointing at his lips.

I let out a laugh and give him a quick peck on the lips, before he lay down beside me and I snuggled into his chest.

I slowly started to drift to sleep before the door swung open.

"OH MY GOSH! Y/N, I JUST FOUND OUT WHAT HAPPENED, I..." I heard Pansy shout.

I heard Draco shush her and her say a quiet sorry.

I smile before I finally fell asleep.

Thanks for reading this Draco x reader! Plz do comment on who you want next! This chapter is dedicated to Klyne Zielle Vega (KyuMinKyuNaLover)

I also wanted to thank you all for over 1000 reads! When I saw it I was so happy and I really wanted to thank you all for being so supportive!


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