I'm sorry.

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Hey guys! I know it has been forever since I have updated this book (or any book for that matter) so I feel like I owe you all some sort of explaination.

Firstly, I would like to say a huge thank you to every single one of you who has read/is reading this book as we have just hit 150k reads and it am mindblown that people actually read my book because it is absolutely atrocious in both spelling and quality. I honestly appreciate every single one of you who took the time to read and vote and comment and message me, it means the world to me that you all seem to get some enjoyment out of my work.

Secondly, I want to explain why I have been so absent with updates recently. This year hasn't been a great year for me, at all. My family has gone through a lot and I won't bore you with the details of what has been going on there. The issue now is that my anxiety has gotten 10x worse and I am suffering with my thoughts a lot among other things. I haven't had a full night's sleep in weeks now, I have a constant low mood and I am all round not doing so well mentally.

I am so sorry to anyone who I have disappointed. I would also like to extend an apology to anyone who has requested as right now I am incapable of completing your requests, I completely understand that some of you may be mad at me for this however I physically can not write any oneshots right now due to my mental state.

Writing has always been a big part of my life and I hope that in the future I will be able to write again and be able to make it up to all of you who have read my book and have been let down. However, at this moment in time I cannot write any more oneshots or anything else.

It upsets me to let you all know this as it is an issue that I have been playing down for a while, an issue that I pretended that I didn't have and now it has gotten so bad that I am having to seek professional help.

I am truly sorry to all of you who may be disappointed in me, feel let down, angry or anything along those lines. I never intended for it to end up this way, but I don't see any option due to my mental state right now.

I will still be active on my account often and hope to respond to comments on my previous chapters so I am not completely inactive. I am also still reading on here too, so I will be around if anyone wants to say hi or wants a chat.

All I can say is that if anyone is suffering with their mental health, no matter how big or small it may seem to you, seek help, whether it be professionally or letting someone know what is going on. I ignored mine for years and I have ended up in a position that I never thought I would. Please, don't suffer in silence!

I love absolutely every single one of you to pieces, I am so so sorry that it has came to this. As soon as I improve I will be back to writing again!

Lots of love to you all!!

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