Draco x reader

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I ran into the great hall, my hair flying behind me.

I plopped myself down at the end of the Slytherin table and bit into an apple.

Blaise came over and sat next to me.

"You only just made it this time! Just 20 seconds to spare!" He said, grinning.

Me and him have a sort of bet going on, that I can make it to breakfast on time for a month, then he will do my homework for a week.

But, if I am late to breakfast, I have to do a dare that he came up with, but he refused to tell me what it was.

"No thanks to you though! It took me 20 minutes to get the treacle out of my hair! You never said that you could sabotage me!" I said to him, flicking my hair in his face.

"It still smells!" I said, pouting at him.

"Eh, it didn't say anything in the rules that I couldn't prevent you from making it to breakfast though!" he said, giving me a side hug.

"This is only the beginning y/n, things are going to get a lot worse until you are late!" he whispered into my ear, before getting up and winking at me before walking away.

I rolled my eyes at him.

The only reason that we had this bet is because I would always miss breakfast and he would always have me complaining to him about it till lunch.

I finished my apple and put one in my bag before standing up and heading to lesson.

The day went by pretty smoothly apart from me getting nervous whenever I saw Blaise grinning evilly at me from across the room.

That night, I made sure to lock the dormetry door before going to sleep.

I woke up on time the next morning, although, none of the other girls were in the dorm.

I ignored it and got on with my routine.

They had all gone to a sleep over the previous night, so I didn't need to worry.

When I had finished getting ready, I reached under my pillow where I had put my wand and the key to the dorm.

I couldn't feel anything under there and I panicked.

I took a deep breath and lifted the pillow up, telling myself that I had just missed it.

When I lifted the pillow up, I saw nothing there.

I threw the covers off of my bed and lifted the mattress.

It wasn't there!

I went over to the door and started running into it, hoping that it would open.

Sadly, it wouldn't.

I would have tried shouting, but there was a silencing charm on the room from one of the previous sleep overs, so there was no way anybody would have heard me.

I turned around and fell against the wall, I looked at the window opposite and got an idea.

I ran up to the window and opened it, looking outside.

It was a steep drop, one that I shouldn't risk.

I sighed and closed my window, packing the room, watching the time get closer and closer until I would fail the bet.

Suddenly the door opened and Pansy was stood there with my wand and key.

"Blaise sent me to give you these!" she said.

"Pansy! Thank you so much! I have to go, see you later!" I shouted.

I grabbed my wand and key, shoving them into my pocket.

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