Chapter 1: Big News

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Chapter 1: Big News
"OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!! ANNABELLE?!?!?!???" I partly screamed partly squealed over the phone to my Best Friend.
"I GOT AN INVITATION TO AN EXO CONCERT!!!!!!!!" I practically yelled.
"WAIT NO WAY WHAT?!?!??" She shouted back. The phone was right next to my head, on speaker, and the volume was all the way up so I completely flipped hearing her so loudly.
"YOU HEARD ME! IM GOING TO SEE THE CONCERT TOMORROW!!!!!!! The seats are pretty far back but I still get to see my bias preform on stage!!!!!"
"As if Baekyhun would notice you" Annabelle said sarcastically.
"HEY! a girl can dream!" I replied back with a bit of attitude in my voice.
"True, true. DO U HAVE AN EXTRA TICKET?!?!?!"
"Oh now you wanna be supportive?" I said in a joking tone.
"Hey I wanna see my Chanyeol alright?!" She laughed.
" Oh but as if he'll ever notice you," I said in a mocking tone, "but no sorry I don't have an extra ticket." I said. She gave a little sigh in disappointment.
" Alright, alright have fun tomorrow! Take lots of pictures!!" She reminded.
" I will! I should get to bed, it's getting pretty late and I should rest up so I have energy for the concert" I said as I yawned.
" Hmmm I'll think about it. Goodnight." I replied.
"Night!" She yelled back.
Just like that the convo was over. I did have to admire Annabelle's outgoing personality. No matter what position she's in, she always has so much energy, even at 1:15 AM. I laughed at the thought of her being exactly like Chanyeol. She was my "happy virus". Ending on a good note I attempted to go to sleep, emphasis on attempted. Seconds passed of me staring at my EXO poster on the wall. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. I went up to grab a glass of water from downstairs and checked the time. 'Woah! It's already 3:00 AM?!?!' I thought. After finishing my water I went back upstairs and continued attempting to sleep. I kept staring at my EXO poster and got lost in my thoughts as my imagination ran wild.
(2 years ago....)
"Annnnnabbbellee???" I said in a whiny tone.
"Yeah?" She replied.
"Did you hear about the new k-pop band?? I think their name is EXO or something."
"OHHH I've heard of them aren't they ran by SM?" she asked.
"I'm not sure, but they sure are cute!" I said excitedly.
"I bet they are but I'm gonna stick to just watching my k-dramas"
"Suit yourself, but I think you will love EXO. I watched a couple of their videos and I'm hooked" I replied eagerly.
"How many members are in the group?" She asked.
"I believe 12" I responded.
"That many?!?"
"Yeah, but more biases to choose from." I said as a smirk was growing on my face. "Oh that reminds me baekyhun is MINE, ok?" I said in a harsh tone.
"Ok" she replied casually. " I'll look into them later, but I gotta go right now" she said.
"Mk, call me back later. I won't answer until you watch a few of their videos!!" I said in a rush before she hanged up.
"Yeah, yeah" she replied and ended the call.
(Back to present...)
I laughed to myself recalling the memories. I looked at the time and read the clock as 3:45 AM. "Oh shoot! I'm not gonna be able to move at the concert if I don't fall asleep soon!" I said as I mentally face palmed myself for shouting this late at night. I tried really hard to clear my thoughts and
sleep and within a few minutes I was out like a light falling into deep sleep.

A Crazy Little Thing Called Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें