Chapter Three

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Making it through three months of school is truly and accomplishment. I don't even know what happened these past couple of weeks. All I know is that Scott has given me some space which I'm very thankful for. I don't really know why but now I'm sort of starting to miss him.

I've met some more people, I think they think of me as a friend. I hope so. I'm so sick of being thrown under the bus all the time. It isn't's depressing and lonely and makes me want to curl up in a little ball and disappear.

There's a resort this weekend for the ninth grade. It's mandatory...the school's trying to get our grade to bond. It's going to be an epic fail. Our grade will always have its separate groups...the popular kids and the nerds, the outcasts and the ones who get invited to every party. I honestly never know what group I would fit into. In middle school it was definitely the nerdy outcast who everyone talked about behind their back. Now, I don't really know. I think I don't have a group because I'm friends with all kinds of people. Some of my friends are popular, and some of them are "nerds." Honestly I don't care as long as I have some friends. Things have gotten better though, I'm finally feeling a little less lonely.



I grab my overnight bag and get onto the bus. I sit next to Rayna and the two of us listen to music for the whole ride. When we get there I look's a really nice resort. Wow.

We take our bags into our rooms which are in cabins with plush beds and nice bathrooms. The cabins are huge...they probably fit between twenty and thirty people in each cabin.

I take a bed next to the window, and Rayna puts her stuff down on the bed next to me.

We all head back outside for some grade bonding activities. The teachers tell us that following the activities, we need to get dressed up for dinner and meet at 6:30 sharp in the dining hall.


Back in the cabin, getting ready for dinner with everyone else, I slip on a tight black skirt and a sweater. It's December and it's freezing outside. I straighten my hair and spray on some of my favorite body spray. Adding a touch of mascara and lip gloss, I head back into the main room where Rayna was putting on her shoes.

"Ready?" I ask.


We link arms and walk to the dining hall. There are all kinds of delicious looking dishes set out for us to eat. There's a pasta bar and a salad bar and at least three different kinds of fish. Starving, I take a plate and get in line for food. Of course, all the guys are already in line or sitting at the table and eating. A lot of the tables are already full. I look around for a seats for Rayna and I. There are two seats...right next to Jake.

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