Chapter Two:

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I sit down at my computer only to find that I have a friend request.

Scott. Who else?

I accept.

Scott: Hey

Allie: Hi

Scott: I'm sorry if we got off on the wrong page this morning, I want to start over if that's okay with you.

Allie: Yeah, don't worry.

Scott: Awesome. So tell me a little about yourself...

Allie: Well...


Little do I realize that I've been talking to Scott for over an hour. I know I have work to do but I don't feel like it. Its due later this week anyway, so it can't be that bad if I do it later.

Allie: I gotta go. It was nice talking to you!

Scott: Whyyyyyyyy? Baby I wanna talk to you. Why do you have to go?!?!

Allie: Please don't call me baby. It makes me really uncomfortable.

Scott: Just you wait suger-plum, you'll be my girlfriend soon.

Allie: Ummmm, yeah, no! Not when you force it down my throat.

Scott: You know you want me. Don't deny it.

Allie: Um no, you're being really creepy and I just met you today and you're already creating a yucky reputation for yourself. All people say about you is that you are a dick. I'm willing to give you a chance if you stop being such a goddamn creep.

Scott: Well okay then. By the way, I like your boobs.

Allie: K. BYE.

 Holy shit. He's really intense. I don't like the looks of things and I need to stop talking to him and interacting with him in school.

Scott: BOOOOBIESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Allie: Stop.

Scott: But I like your booooobieeeeessss. They're perfect.

Holy shit I really can't deal with this anymore.

I log off Skype and take shower. The next few weeks I need to really focus on schoolwork and fitting in. This is crazy that this guy likes me so much. Actually no, he likes my boobs...not me.

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