Chapter Five:

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I realize that I should explain how I became friends with Rayna, since she is such a good friend of mine, even in the very beginning of the school year. There's another friend too. Her name is Jayden. I've been friends with Jayden since I was like one. She is probably one of the only people I know who can really keep a secret, and not judge you. She's actually kind of perfect and I have always looked up to her. Then there's Rayna. I met Rayna last year at camp. She and I just clicked. She's more on the shy side, but she's hilarious and is such a good listener. She has a brother who is a year older than us. His name is Dean. I had a massive crush on him until I met Jake. I mean, I still think he's hot, but I think I really like Jake. Dean has a veryyyyyy slim figure, muscular, abs and all, but very skinny. Anyway, Dean, Rayna and Jayden are my main friends. They're always there for me and they are the nicest people. We get together a lot on the weekends. I think Dean likes this girl named Alanna. They run on track together. She's new to school and I guess I could say we are friends. Alanna is in Jayden and Dean's grade, so we don't talk much, but she is really nice. There's this other girl, Jessica. She has long beautiful brown hair that almost goes down to her butt. She is actually so pretty and I'm so jealous of her. She has a boyfriend who came from the same school I did. He was never nice to me, so it's hard for me to picture him as being the nice and loving boyfriend that she describes him as.

Anyway, I hope I didn't just bore you with all those friends of mine. They are really important though. They mean the world to me. I don't think I could survive with out them.


Jessica: You're going to kill me

Me: why? uh oh, what did you do?

Jessica: on the bus ride back from the weekend thingy, I told Jake that you think he's cute


Jessica: he said he thinks youre the prettiest girl he's ever met ;)

Me: Wait, WHAT?!?!?! how is that possible? I'm like, super fat and ugly and weird, are you sure you aren't hallucinating?

Jessica: Yes im sure. He really likes you. He kept telling me that you guys went for a walk and he fell in love with you the minute you opened your mouth to sing


Me: What should I do about this?!?!?!?!?!

Jessica: you wanna date him?

Me: I don't even know. I've never had a boyfriend before. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica: it's up to you!

Me: but I don't even have any way of contacting him or anything

Jessica: I'll give you his Skype name if you want

Me: okay. but what do I say? how do I bring it up? I mean, I haven't talked to him since like last week at when we went for a walk.

Jessica: Just do what feels right. idk. im not good at this stuff.

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