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Everyone stared in shock at Alice. What she just said was absolutely insane. Rick really looked pissed off by it too. Derek looked like he didn't understand what she said at all.

He raised his hand a bit, "What did you say? I couldn't hear you."

Alice looked up at him, "I asked if I could date you."

Rick put his hand on her shoulder, "Alice, you're my girlfriend. Not only did you cheat on me with him yesterday but you're asking him to date you right in front of me. That's really messed up."

"Daniel told me to try polygamy with you two."

Rick turned and glared at Daniel, who was drinking his fifth smoothie of the day. That little idiot was so kind to him before and now he's telling Alice to do stupid things? He thought they were friends after giving each other makeovers. He must've been wrong.

Daniel rolled his eyes, "Stop giving me that look. She came to me for advice and I told her the only thing I could think of. It's not my fault you three went to the Bermuda Triangle."

Derek looked confused, "Bermuda Triangle? When did we go there?"

Rick stared at Derek, "I thought you were the smart one. But you've been incredibly dumb lately. Is it common for you and Daniel to switch how you act a lot?"

Alice flicked Rick, "Be nice to him!"

"Why should I be nice to the guy who had drunk sex with my girlfriend? He could've just found a random girl at the party instead of you! I knew I should've avoided drinking to keep an eye on you two. That was probably his plan though, to have me get drunk enough to not realize he was making a move on you."

She glared, "Stop it! I may have been drunk but I consented to the sex too! Don't blame him for acting on his emotions!"

Alissa looked at Alice, "So you wanted to bang Derek as much as he wanted to do that to you. Wouldn't that mean you're what you kept calling me in the beginning of your stupid cliche plans that led to this situation?"

Alice raised an eyebrow, "I don't remember what I called you. Can you clarify for me please?"

"A slut."

Alice felt like a sharp spear was driven straight into her chest and out through her back. Her friend just accused her of being a slut. But it wasn't like that at all. It wasn't just for sex it was because of love! Even though she loved Rick too.

Alissa flicked Alice's nose, "You were being a slut."

Rick glared, "Alice you could at least try to deny it."

She just stared at the ground. Was Alissa right? Did she really love Derek? Or just his body? He did have an amazing body. She blushed at the thought of their night again. She almost drooled as well.


It wasn't like that! Alice didn't just love his body! She loved every part of him. From his muscles to his kindness and even the times that he's a complete jerk! She loved Derek through and through! There was no way she could be called a slut for something as amazing and pure as love!

She clenched her fists, "Shut up! I know I made a mistake but booze and love caused it! Stop acting like I'm a piece of shit because of what I did! I know I should've thought it out more but I'm glad I did it because I finally realized that I love Derek! I've always loved him and never knew until now! Rick, Derek! Please allow a polygamous relationship between us! I love both of you equally!"

Rick growled, "No thank you. We're through until you decide to make up your mind about this crap! It's either me or him. You can't have both of us at the same time. Even if you do choose me, you'll have to do a lot to make up with me though! After the shitty move you made when you decided to cheat on me, it's extremely important."

Alice looked at Derek for an answer. He'd probably date her still. They loved each other. If Rick wasn't going to date her, Derek was.

The look on his face did not agree. He looked angry and sad. Not to mention disgusted. But this look wasn't directed at Rick like she thought it would be. It definitely was not. Derek had this look while his eyes were locked directly on Alice. He was extremely upset and disappointed with her.

Derek spoke, "I'm sorry Alice but no. If you have feelings for Rick as well, I can't date you. You have to make a choice first. If you love me, get rid of your feelings for him before asking again. I can't be with someone who isn't sure. Plus, how am I supposed to know you actually love me? You could've just kissed me and said that to trick me into doing it with you again. That would be a pretty shitty move."

Both guys walked away from her. They were making her choose between them. This wasn't supposed to happen. They were supposed to agree with the advice Daniel gave her. But now she wasn't even with one of them, let alone both. It felt like her heart was being shattered into millions of pieces and then millions more for each of the first million pieces. How was she supposed to handle something like this. It was absolutely terrible. Her loves didn't want to love her unless she could decide between them.

Daniel started laughing and the people who were still there looked at him. What was so funny about this?! Didn't he realize how awful the situation was?! He was being incredibly insensitive towards Alice!

He continued to laugh, "You actually did it! I said that maybe you should explain the problem first and if you had no other options to say that! But you said it right off the bat! How dumb do you have to be to make a sudden and reckless choice like that?!"

Alice started to cry, "What kind of friend are you?! How dare you laugh when my heart was just destroyed completely because of your advice! This is all your fault! If you had given me better advice I'd probably be with both of them right now! But instead they'll hate me unless I make a choice that serious and difficult to choose!"

"Don't you dare say this is all my fault. I wasn't the one who made the stupid choices that you made to get in this mess. Not to mention how I told you to do something else and if it didn't work use polygamy as a last ditch effort. I even warned you that I wasn't going to be very useful because I've never done anything as stupid as this before. I've done so much for you and all you've done is walk on me like dirt so don't get your panties in a twist because you didn't do something the way I told you to. So stop acting like I'm the bad guy."

She glared and wiped her tears away, "I know I've done some bad things and I've been weak. But at least I'm not as weak as you. I wasn't the one who was used by that man."

Something inside Daniel snapped and it was obvious. His eye started twitching and he dropped his smoothie. How dare she bring that up again. It happened because he protected her and she was talking about like he just walked up to the guy and told him he could do it. That was enough. All she needed to do was say that one thing to make him finally decide to do something he's wanted to do for so long.

Daniel suddenly charged at her and punched her in the face as hard as possible.

Alice fell to the ground and held her cheek, "What the hell?! Why did you do that?!"

He glared down at her with the most menacing, blood thirsty look ever, "Don't you ever say anything like that to me ever again. I saved you from him and you just ran when I needed help too. You're a coward. You have no right to act high and mighty after that day."

She whimpered, "I-I'm sorry..."

Daniel stomped away from her, Charlie following him.

No one expected Daniel, of all people, to suddenly lash out like that. He was such a peaceful person that even yelling wasn't something he would normally do. But he couldn't handle listening to Alice treat him like dirt anymore. Especially when she brought up that day.

Everyone who saw it happen was completely surprised. Daniel had gotten angry. He released that anger for once. He had acted in a way that he would've never have done before.

That day had so many surprises.

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