First Day

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"Derek you're gonna get hit by a car if you don't pay attention to where you're walking!"

Derek looked up from his bag and turned his head towards Daniel. He was only trying to make sure he didn't forget anything, it's not even like they were anywhere near an area where he could step into a busy street on accident. There were only two places on their way to school where it was like that, the crosswalk in front of the school and the street across from Alice's house. Derek was perfectly fine, he didn't like his brother getting worried over nothi-

He was suddenly jerked back by his smaller brother. Just as he did that a car whizzed by in front of them, right where Derek had been standing only moments before. He looked forward to see they were across from Alice's house. He definitely didn't realize they were already there. Daniel hugged him tightly, tears rolling down his cheek.

He whimpered into Derek's back, "I don't want to lose you almost got hit right in front of me....please be more careful....."

Derek frowned, "Sorry Daniel, I didn't even know we were here yet. I had to check if I forgot anything. Last time when I didn't check I completely forgot all of my homework.....for every class."

Daniel giggled slightly, still upset though, "Maybe you shouldn't stack all of your work in one pile if you don't even finish it. You only do half the work."

"Yeah yeah. I'm sorry for scaring you Daniel. Let's go get craz-"

Alice laughed loudly from across the street while pointing at the twins, "I thought you guys weren't in an incestuous relationship? Is this what you meant by brotherly love? Though I thought you'd be behind Daniel, Derek, not the other way around."

Derek growled and stomped across the street with Daniel, "Listen here you little brat what did I tell you about making implications like that?! Sometimes I really wanna.....wait....what the hell are you wearing?!"

Alice grinned, "I'm the nice girl who is never really acknowledged by anyone other than her closest friends. I truly am ugly so I decided to not even care about my outfit."

She really wasn't kidding about not caring. Her outfit was an over-sized t-shirt with faded letters saying "Sleeping Ugly" on it, sweatpants, and slippers. Not to mention it looked like she didn't even brush her hair. Did she seriously paint dark circles under her eyes to make it look like she didn't sleep and doesn't use make up?!

Alice put her hands on her cheeks, "I mean why try to look good when it'll never work? I'm so far from cute it's cringe worthy!" She looked at Derek for a response.

He started walking again, "Yeah, like a pig. Your nose kinda looks like a pig snout after all."

Alice gasped, "What kind of response is that?! You're supposed to tell me I'm being ridiculous and I'm adorable no matter what!"

"You even sound like a pig. Kinda like," Derek started to make a snorting sound, "Also if you want people to do that for ya, how about you don't throw yourself a pity party and try so hard. You're incredibly vain, which is definitely not attractive."

Daniel quietly said, "I agree with kinda are vain......and rude..."

Alice started following the other two, "I am not either of those things! I'm the sweet lovable character whose family doesn't care about her, who always gets bullied, and can only depend on her friends."

Derek laughed, "You're an asshole, your family bought you a laptop that you don't even use because you wanted to have something to brag about, YOU are the bully, and if you can only depend on us maybe you should treat us better."

Alice scrunched up her nose, "I'll show you, I'm just misunderstood!"

They all stepped on school grounds and Erica and Kelly ran up to them.

Erica smiled brightly, "I totally helped out with the cliche thing!"

Derek frowned again, "What did you do? And please tell me it wasn't insane."

She giggled, "I set up a prank on Alissa, the head cheerleader's, locker! She's gonna have a rock launch at her and there's a note on it! It says, 'Fuck you, kill yourself please. Sincerely, Alice, Derek and Daniel.' Great idea right?"

"So not only are you going to assault her, you're dragging Daniel into that and not including yourself or Kelly when you two did this? So we can get in serious trouble AND probably have her get revenge on us for YOU?"

She nodded proudly, "Uh huh! Alice texted us about how the head cheerleader always hates the main people! She also said jocks are jerks to the main people too so I did something similar for the quarterback of our football team!"

Derek glared at Alice, "You better hope that Daniel doesn't get hurt or punished for this. Or else you're going to suffer."

They walked into the school and hurried to their lockers. Derek was keeping an eye out around Daniel. The little guy doesn't deserve to be part of this at all. Why did Alice have to drag him into this, and why the hell did Erica decide to make it even worse?! Daniel deserves to be happy and free of even knowing Alice and now he's trapped in her web of "fun" as she calls it.

Daniel looked at Derek, "Is something wrong  Dairy?"

Derek shook his head and started walking with Daniel to his class. He swore that if Alice caused anything bad to happen to Daniel, he would make her regret it and prevent her from ever talking to him again.

He growled to himself and clenched his fist. She used to be so different. Alice used to be perfect in his eyes. She put everyone before herself, made sure that everything was okay with everyone, and she was the cutest person ever. Now she's like this. Derek's hands shook. He hated that he was tricked by her so long ago, he thought that she was a princess. But she really was just a wolf in sheep's clothing instead. She would pay if she got worse. She would pay if she hurt Daniel. She would pay if she betrayed Derek again.

Alice sat down in her math class, making sure to take a desk in the back and laying her head on her desk. She needed to make her life more cliche soon! Before Derek changed anything back to normal! She looked around for a quick method but couldn't find one so she started thinking about what he had said to her.

Was she really vain?

She didn't think she was but then again....she thought about when they were friends in the past. He was so kind to her but now he acts like she's just a burden.

Is she really a burden?

She shook her head and laughed at herself. He definitely would tell her if she was actually any of that. He's just being dramatic for the cliche. She swallowed. At least, Alice hoped that Derek was just being dramatic. She didn't want to be vain or rude. Yeah. He would tell her if she was really like that. And he hasn't yet so it's not true.

Why didn't she care about Erica and Kelly though? Why do their opinions not matter to her?

She's only known them for a few months. Plus they don't really do much with Alice and the twins. So she's just kinda gotten used to them being around for no reason. They've always just kinda tagged along with them, doing whatever she said. But for some reason Derek kept trying to act like they were real friends. What is wrong with that guy anyway?

She sighed and watched the clock instead of paying attention to the class.

They'd see.

They would all see that she really just wanted to help.

Alice just wants them to have an interesting life.

Like she used to.

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