Endless Elevator Music

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Alice laughed as she dragged her friends through the mall. She was totally going to buy a bunch of stuff before the party. They are going to have the time of their lives during it. No matter what.

Alice would even stab someone to make sure that happened.

Daniel glared as he followed her. Why did she even bring him along? And why didn't she let Charlie come as well. It wasn't fair. He wanted to spend time with his new boyfriend. Instead, he was forced to go to the mall.

Derek sighed. He didn't want to be here. Alice is dating Rick now. Plus, Daniel was avoiding him. Being with the two of them didn't sound like it was going to be much fun at all. He felt completely unwanted around these people but for some reason he got dragged here. It wasn't exactly fair.

Daniel growled, "Why the hell am I even here? I don't want to be near either one of you, let alone do that without my friends or boyfriend. Plus, where is your boyfriend Alice? Shouldn't you be dragging him with you, instead of me?"

Alice whined, "I'm trying my best to fix our friendship. All of us should get along again! Trust me please!"

Daniel groaned, "This isn't fair! I'm supposed to be cuddling Charlie and watching some cheesy romcom like Hitch or She's the Man. Not walking around a mall hunting for stupid crap for a stupid party that I don't even want to go to but have to anyway!"

Alice sighed. Why did Daniel have to be so stubborn?! It wasn't fair that he wouldn't even give her a chance! He thought he could just give up with their friendship! That's not how it works! You have to at least try to make it work again.

She dragged the two into an elevator and pressed the button to go to the second floor. She didn't tell them the real reason Rick wasn't there.

Rick was busy "convincing" the workers here to stop the elevator with them in it. Alice needed him to do that. She needed an environment that was isolated and impossible to run away in so she could discuss this with them. She was tired of them just running from the topic.

Suddenly the lights went out and the elevator stopped. The only indication of the power still being on was the elevator music. It was still playing some annoying tune, so it was obvious something was wrong with the elevator's motors or some junk like that.

Daniel tightened his fists and tried to stay calm. He was absolutely terrified of elevators and being stuck in an unmoving one didn't make him feel good. The wires could snap and drop them to their deaths. The doors could open and when he stepped out he could plummet to his inevitable death. He did not like elevators at all. He'd rather have a horse kick him in the balls instead of being stuck in an elevator for who knows how long.

Alice looked at her friends, "Guys, please listen to me for a bit. We don't know how long we'll be here so we might as well talk. It's better than the terrible elevator music."

Derek sighed, "What do you want to say to us? It's obvious that you have a specific thing you're talking about. So just say it, okay?"

Alice nodded, "I'm sorry that I'm a bad friend. I've tried to help but it seems to just make you both angry in different ways. I want to prove that I'm really a good person. Can you find the kindness to give me another chance to start anew?"

Daniel dug his nails in his hands to prevent himself from freaking our, "No we can't. We've given you plenty of chances and you always just abuse them. Until you prove you're not terrible I'm not going to be your friend at all."

Derek looked at Daniel in confusion and disbelief. Why was he suddenly different? It wasn't a subtle difference either. He was very obviously different from before.

Alice sighed, "Daniel I thought you were the one who always gave people second chances. Why are you being so ruthless this time? Do you really hate me that much?"

He glared, "Yes I do. All you've done is hurt me so far, but you still expect me to be your friend. That's not fair. You abused my kindness and now you won't get any of it ever again. Get it through your thick skull already. I hate you."

Alice clenched her fists, "You're an asshole! Why aren't you giving me a chance?! I'm better this time!"

He rolled his eyes, "Like I said, I gave you a bunch of chances already. Now you don't get anymore. Just drop it."

Alice looked at Derek, "You'll give me a chance right? We've been best friends for our entire lives!"

Derek shrugged, "I keep saying I won't but I always do. It's hard to tell if I will or not at this point. I can try I guess."

She smiled, "Okay. Rick! You can start the elevator again!"

Rick spoke using the intercom, "Actually, I can't. It's not working. You guys are stuck for real now. Sorry. Have fun in there I guess."

"What?! But you only stopped the elevator for a bit! How could it get stuck?!"

Rick sighed, "How the hell would I know that? I'm not a mechanic. I'm also not an elevator expert. So you're stuck until they can fix the issue. I hope you guys made up because this'll take a while. Also, if you didn't make up that sucks. Especially since you were the one who had me stop the elevator."

Daniel hit his head on the wall, "This is it. Your stupidity has finally led us to our deaths. We're going to starve or dehydrate in here. This thing might fall while they try to fix it. They could cut through the doors and accidentally cut all of us."

Derek looked at him, "That's a very upsetting thought. Why did you think of that?"

"Because it's true."

Derek blinked, "The only thing that'll kill us is the elevator music. It's still going and I don't think we can make it shut up. This is my worst nightmare!"

Daniel looked at Derek in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

Derek held his head, "The music is endless! Didn't you know that?! We're trapped with endless elevator music!"

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