A Very Bad Idea

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Derek frowned while staring at Daniel's new piercing. Alice did it last night but he hadn't stopped staring, other than when he eventually passed out and when Daniel shooed him away so that he could change and go to the bathroom. He did not like the piercing at all. It ruined his precious little ear in his mind. Why did Alice think it was a good idea? Oh yeah. Alice is an idiot.

Daniel raised an eyebrow at his brother, "Derek are you ever gonna stop staring at it? I don't care if you don't like because I do like it."

His brother narrowed his eyes, "You're just saying that because you think Alissa will notice you. You even moved your hair away from your ear to show it off."

Daniel blushed, "That's not why! I actually kinda like having my ear pierced. Makes me feel cool. Also, stop saying that I'm trying to get Alissa's attention! I don't like her! I have a crush on someone else! And we are going to that football game tomorrow so I can stare awkwardly at them while internally cheering. Kinda like a stalker but not in a creepy way."

Alice suddenly ran up behind them and put her arm around Daniel's shoulder, "So you're gonna stare at a cheerleader? Don't get an erection watching them bounce up and down and stuff like that. And Derek, don't get jealous about him gawking at the chick."

Daniel blushed even more, "Alice!"

Derek glared, "Alice, he has enough problems without you butting in. He's finally holding up a conversation for once and I'd like to keep it that way. He's actually doing better since that incident in July."

Alice looked up at Derek, "Which one? Pills or bridge? I know the kitchen knife was in June so it wasn't that time."

He sighed, "Bridge. That was his last attempt remember? He wouldn't talk at all until school started and by then it was just mumbles or a few words. Now he's actually talking. So don't mess it up."

Daniel pushed the two away, "Can you two stop acting like I'm a patient and you're therapists discussing my issue? I'm trying to put that all behind me and you talking about it isn't helping. I was in a really dark place then okay? I'm fine now though. So shut up and pretend it never happened! Especially since we're in the cafeteria! I just want my lunch and to have a nice conversation."

Alice laughed and poked the boys stomach, "What ya gonna do about it huh? You're just a wimp after all. I'm surprised you survived all those attempts. Didn't you listen to my advice about any of them?"

Derek growled, "You gave him advice?"

She rolled her eyes, "The little bastard wouldn't shut up about his plans and kept texting me nonstop. When I was convincing him to not do it he wouldn't listen so I thought if I told him than the problem would be solved."

Derek suddenly grabbed the girl by her black MCR shirt and slammed her into the wall, "So you decided that he should just off himself because you got annoyed."

She smirked, "Yeah. It would've been one less problem."

She cheered in her head. A fight in the cafeteria! Perfectly cliche! And isn't fighting your best friend a big cliche too? Because you eventually realize how stupid you had been and become great friends again? And in some cases you start dating. Oh there's also suddenly making out mid-fight. Perfect! She just has to rile Derek up some more for the cliche to start again.

He glared, "So you've only been acting like his friend this entire time? Not even like a good friend either."

Alice laughed, "Yeah. What are you gonna do about it?"

Derek growled, "I'm going to make you pay."

Suddenly Alice was thrown into a table, her back hitting the edge. Pain shot through her spine. It spread across her nerves like wildfire and her head started to hurt. It hurt like hell.

She stood up and shook with pain. Students were scrambling away from the two but making sure they could get a good view of the fight. None of them were going to tell a teacher. They were scared but curious so they stayed to see what happened. Alice could tell that no one was on her side. Her points for being considered a bad person were raising and there was no way she could lower them again. They wanted Derek to hurt her, and she could tell Derek wanted that too.

Derek stomped towards her and kicked her in the stomach. It felt like a hammer and caused her to cough and spit up a little bit of blood. She doubled over and clutched her stomach. Derek wasn't holding back. He hated her.

Derek grinned sadistically as he watched his former friend fall to the ground. He wanted to do that for so long and she finally made him snap. She was the reason Daniel was so close to death so many times. She didn't care. She showed no remorse towards her actions either. So why should he feel bad for doing this?

Alice stood up again ad punched Derek in the face. His head snapped to the side and he took a step back. His cheek felt like is was starting to throb. But he didn't care. He was going to make her pay. He turned his head back towards her and glared into her eyes.

Alice whimpered but was cutoff when Derek punched her in the nose. There was a loud crack and everyone winced as she toppled over again, blood started to pour down over her lips and chin.

The girl charged and rammed her head into her friends gut but cried out in pain. She forgot that he had muscles there too. Derek grabbed her by the shirt again and lifted her in front of him.

He smirked, "How does it feel? Being helpless? Being hated? Having no friends, no one you can truly trust? You made Daniel feel like that even though it wasn't true. But in your case it is true."

She tried to squirm out of his grasp but he growled and punched her in the face again. He kept punching her over and over as she cried out. She begged for him to stop but he wouldn't. No one even moved when she cried for help.

Derek threw her to the ground and started kicking her in the stomach, the chest, and the head. He hated her. Everyone hated her. This wasn't just a game. No one was pretending for her stupid idea.

She screamed and cried as his foot hit her. Her vision was blurry. Her body felt like it was on fire and being crushed. She could hear cracks occasionally and could she her own blood on the floor. She tried to crawl away but Derek just stomped on her hands. She curled up as he kept kicking her.

Alice laid there in the center of the crowd, Derek beating the crap out of her, her blood and tears spilling on the floor, and all the while everyone just watched. She could've sworn someone cheered as this happened.

Suddenly someone ran out of the crowd and pulled Derek back but Alice's vision was too blurry to see who it was.

Teachers swarmed the bleeding girl, trying to keep her awake and trying to stop the bleeding.

Daniel could barely hold his brother back. He cried into Derek's shirt as he gripped him tightly. He never wanted Derek to know that Alice told him those things. He never wanted him to hurt his friend. Daniel knew that deep down Derek still loved Alice and he just wanted them to make up again. But this time Derek had snapped and he hurt Alice badly.

The sirens of an ambulance and police cars could be heard getting closer to the school.

Daniel cried out in sorrow and fear as officers pried his brother away from him. They put cuffs on Derek and dragged him to one of the cars. Daniel grabbed one of their arms in an attempt to stop them but was knocked on the ground.

He screamed for them to stop as they shoved Derek in the vehicle and slammed the door shut. He couldn't lose his brother. He couldn't lose his best friend.

Erica and Kelly held on to the boy as the officers drove away with his twin. Alissa patted his shoulder and Charlie tried to tell him it was going to be okay.

Nothing was okay. His brother was gone. Alice was hurt. He couldn't stop Alice from saying those stupid words and he couldn't stop Derek in time.

He didn't want to lose either of them.

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