Better Recognize Us

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Alice sighed. Math was the longest hour of just staring at a clock. Like seriously, who knew that an hour took so long? She thought that it feel like only a few minutes or something. That's what books and movies have shown her.

Those liars!

How dare they trick Alice! She is just a precious little child who deserves to be treated amazingly. At least in her mind. In Derek's mind on the other hand, she deserves something quite different. Something very much different. Especially if she gets worse than she already is.

Alice walked down the hallway and stopped at her locker. Why was school so boring? In all of the stories something dramatic always happens. Or you know, they skip school parts unless something dramatic actually happens. But it's not like you can skip real life.

Alice opened her locker and put her math book away, thankful that it's useless until the next day, though it's always useless to her, and she closed her locker again. She began her long excruciating walk towards her next class. A class that she dreaded. A class that she would most certainly lose her reputation in. She would become a laughing stock for her terrible skills in that class. She was supposed to be perfect but it was her biggest weakness ever.

Gym class.

She shivered at the very thought  of that terrible place.

Running. Dodge ball. Soccer. Kick ball. Basketball. Volleyball. Tennis. More running. Push-ups. Sit-ups. Jumping jacks. And more.

She stepped into the girl's locker room and changed into her gym uniform as quick as possible. No matter how vain Alice acted, she's always been bothered by people seeing her body. She's too afraid that people will think she's absolutely ugly, so vanity is her shield. So are clothes.

Alice walked upstairs into the gym and looked around as more students got to class. Were Derek or Daniel in this class? Man, even Erica and Kelly would be good. Just anyone to talk to. That she knew, to be more exact. She kept looking around until her eyes stopped on something familiar. A puff of messy blondness, barely visible in a group of people.

Alice ran over happily and smiled brightly before picking up the small boy as if he was just a bag of flour. She spun around laughing. Finally! A class with a friend! And it's the second class! For a while there she thought that she wouldn't have any classes with her friends and would have to wait until lunch to see them. What was even better was that Daniel is the only friend of hers who was even worse at any form of exercise than her. Now she won't be the one everyone laughs at! That's guaranteed now that Daniel is here!

She smiled at the smaller person in her arms, "Hi Danny! Did you miss me? We haven't talked in ages! So anything new happen? How's the family?"

Daniel laughed a bit, "You're so weird Alice."

Alice made a flattered face and blushed, "Aw thanks. Such a sweet thing of you to say. Oh yeah. Where's the big brute you call a brother? I thought you two always had every class together."

"Did you already forget who was in what classes? Dude, we've been in school for like three months at this point. I thought you'd get the schedules in your head by now," he said as he raised an eyebrow.

She stuck her tongue out at Daniel and set him down, "So this is gonna be interesting. Let's see who can survive gym class."

He grinned, "You're on."


Alice sighed, "I can't believe I got beat in a race by the wimp."

She walked through the lunch line, grabbing her usual meal, before paying and walking to a table. Even though it's been two classes since gym she couldn't just let it go. Daniel was supposed to be the one who sucked at exercise and Alice was supposed to win. She had a victory speech all planned and everything. She sighed again and sat down.

Her eyes wandered the lunch line in search of her friends. After a while she waved at Daniel and Derek as they paid. The two started walking over. Daniel was smiling proudly and Derek was glaring at Alice and obviously was only following his twin. What was his problem? He used to be so sweet to Alice but now he acts like she's the freaking Antichrist.

The twins sat down and Derek growled, "Any plans for your stupid cliche life? Or are you going to finally come to your senses and return to your old self? You know, when you were tolerable and kinda cool."

Alice put her hand on her chest, "Aaaawww. You thought I was cool. That's adorable. If I was still the same would you want to bone me? Like really badly?"

He blushed and glared, "You're an idiot"

She laughed, "Also, I have the best idea. I just need the evil cheerleaders or jerk jocks to come over or at least walk past us."

Daniel quietly spoke up, "But none of them are evil or jerks....they're actually pretty nice people. Some of them used to be some of your best friends Alice."

She continued talking, not even noticing Daniel spoke, "It's a perfect way to show them how bad it is to mess with me. They shouldn't bully me."

Daniel tried to get Alice's attention, "But they haven't done anything to you! They care about you and would probably beat the crap out of anyone who bullied you!"

Derek growled, "Alice, you're the one who messed with them to fuel your delusions. You're the bully. Why can't you at least acknowledge that fact. Accept that you're an asshole and stop pretending that you're all righteous and perfect. You aren't a princess let alone a queen and the world doesn't revolve around you. You aren't the center of the universe. So stop acting like this! Nothing you've done so far is justified!"

She looked at Derek and smiled, acting like he never said anything. Why was he so rude? She was just trying to prove that she could do something interesting for once. Why is he so blind to that? She's cool! Why won't he think that? She's the bad guy in his eyes and it isn't fair. He's never fair to her! All he cares about is Daniel! Daniel this and Daniel that. Why can't he see that Alice matters too!

He glared, "You're just a parasite you know. No one would miss you if you disappeared."

Alice laughed, "You're so funny Derek, but you shouldn't tell so many jokes. No one will take you seriously if you do that."

He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by her, "Oh! I see cheerleaders leaving the lunch line! They should come by at any point soon! This is gonna be perfect!"

After a little while Alissa, with her long blonde hair and perfect blue eyes, walked over with a few of her fellow cheerleaders.

She glared at Alice, "You know, you're a real asshole. I really wanna kill you for what you did earlier. And you two," she looked at Daniel and Derek, "I thought you guys were nice to everyone."

Derek laughed, "You see Alissa, me and Daniel had nothing to do with your locker. No, that was our dear "friend" Alice right there. See, she told our other friends, Erica and Kelly, to set up a prank on you and they decided to add us in as well just so Alice can have some stupid fun that goes way too far."

Alissa looked back at Alice who was laughing, "You should've never messed with me, you witch. All you cheerleaders are the same. You treat people like dirt just so you can get your way, and yet you're still perfect and popular. Well, this is what I have to say about that."

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