An Unlikely Pair

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Daniel sipped from the straw of his smoothie while staring at Alice, "Why exactly did you take me to the mall and tell me none of the others in our group are allowed? I'm surprised you even wanted to walk towards the car after how much you drank last night. But do explain why please."

Alice nibbled on a soft pretzel, "I need your advice. I know from experience that going shopping with you when I need advice is good. You give much better advice."

"What kind of advice do you need exactly? Why does it have to be me?"

She looked around, "Well I know you've never intentionally slept with a guy before."

Daniel chuckled nervously, "Yeah totally."

Alice continued, "Especially your best friend."

He chuckled more, "Uh huh."

"That you fell in love with on accident."

"Where is this going exactly?"

Alice slammed her palm into the table and whispered, "Derek and I had sex last night when we were drunk. You're mother and mom are talking to him and I'm scared about what will happen when they talk to my parents. Especially since my parents know I'm dating Rick, not Derek."

Daniel spat out some of his smoothie and started laughing, "Holey cheese! You banged my brother while dating Rick?! That's called cheating! What the Swiss were you thinking?!"

She wiped smoothie off of her face, "I know it's cheating! But I was drunk and you dropped us off at the same house!"

They got up and started walking into a Hot Topic.

"It's not my fault you could've easily walked down and across the street, even if you were that tipsy. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know Daniel! That's why I was asking you for advice!"

Daniel looked at her instead of some pins he found, "You could dump Rick."

Alice squealed, "No! I really care about him! He's such a nice guy and I'd feel horrible if I did that!"

"So you had a one night stand with Derek?"

She covered her face, "Please don't say that either. I really love Derek as well. That's why I'm so confused and upset about this. You need to help me."

He picked up a Pusheen pin, "So you're in love with both guys?"

Alice nodded.

Daniel shook his head, "You've dug yourself a very deep grave. All the way through the Earth and around. Now you're stuck in the Bermuda Triangle."

"Why is it the Bermuda triangle?!"

He smiled, "You sailed some ships into a love triangle that you'll never return from."

Alice stared, "Why have you been saying such weird things today?"

"I'm just really happy today."


Daniel chuckled, "I was Charlie's first. It was really good too.  He started remembering it at breakfast."

Alice looked shocked, "Wait. So I was wrong earlier? You slept with a guy."

Daniel nodded.

"Who was your best friend."

He nodded again.

"That you accidentally fell in love with."

He nodded proudly.

Alice grabbed him by the shoulders, "Why am I asking you for advice about this?! You did the same thing as me!"

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