Skinny Love

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                            My brother held onto my legs tightly as my cousin's shiny black car rolled up and 'bounce it' by Juicy j played. I was trying to hold myself together but Tay Tay was  crying so hard that my knee began to get a wet spot from his tears. My gay cousin got out of the car. He isn't openly gay but i can tell he likes guys.

'"Rayan!! i haven't seen you since you were 10!" he smiled big hugging me.

"and who is this little guy?" he said bending down to tay tay's level and tay tay hid his face in the leg of my pants.

I sighed.

                          I looked over my shoulder to see Day Day and my mom posed at the door scowling at me looking like they couldn't wait for me to be gone. Well there is no turning back now. I can't erase what i did and i honestly dont want to. But i'm scared for tay tay. They don't treat him right.

                            I guess Juan could detect the tension. "um we should get going" he said helping me with my bags but tay's arms were locked around my legs.

"Tay i have to go i love you" i sad but i couldn't get him off of me so Juan pried him off.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" he screeched and shrieked

                           I gave my baby brother his last peck on the lips  and maybe his last dose of love before he was carried over as he squealed kicking and screaming and it hurt me bad to see him hurt. He really seemed hurt with his heart wrenching yells. Some people even got concerned and started opening their doors and peeking through their windows.

My heart sunk.

"well heres my place! Juan said playfully tugging my shoulders trying to cheer me up. He had  the place all to himself and it was really roomy. He showed me the different rooms in the house then he pointed me into my new room giving me time to myself.

                          I wept. I  never hurt this bad. the blood curdling sound of my baby brothers broken hearted screams kept running through my mind.

                               I don't even know if i can see him again because my mom threatened to file a retraining order against me.

I sighed plopping onto the bed staring at the ceiling.

                       I was still able to go to the same school and hang out with the same friends but it just didn't feel the same.

                         I am not able to wake up with my little bundle of joy cuddled warm beside me every morning. Like i said i was basically his 'mom'...i wonder how he will turn out now.

                           Tears kept rushing down my face in streams and i felt so alone. I stuffed a pillow close beside me hoping to have the feel of my tiny little sibling that made life worth living but with no hope.

It wasn't the same.

                                  I couldn't feel his heart beat, his warm baby soft touch i couldn't hear his little giggles when i tickle him and i was now not able to comfort him when he cried.

                    Finally i drifted off to sleep after crying out every tear that my body produced.

My brothers was my heart , spirit and soul, he made life livable; so now maybe i just dont want to  live at all

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