I just wanna know you ...

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                                   "Shut up!" I giggled playfully pushing Lorenzo It's funny i've only known him for like 30 minutes but i feel like i've known him for ever. He laughed "you know its true" he said pulling out his phone. He was talking about a lady that was standing at the counter ordering food. She has squeezed her meaty thighs in leggings and she had a huge muffin top that her tight shirt wasn't long enough to cover. Lorenzo took pictures of her making me almost pee myself.

                                     "Stop being mean!!" I laughed. He smiled looking into my eyes as i demolished pizza leaving sauce and cheese hanging off of my chin. "Your so cute" he said making me blush he picked up a napkin wiping my face slowly with it not once did he look away from me. "i.. im sorry" he said putting down the napkin. "no...no it's ok". We got kinda quiet but it was a nice silence we ate then i felt him slowly hold one of my hands. "So um what school do you go to?"  he asked done with his pizza and holding my hand still. "I go to Medusa high" I said smiling looking at our hands. "awesome! me too!" he had a huge smile on his face. 

"Well," he said blushing "how does your school react to..." he whispered "gays". I smiled sadly an he got the hint. "Uh Jacob...?". "yea?" i asked playing with his fingers. "how do you react to.. gays?" I smiled a little. Really? he doesn't notice that im gay too by now. "well im gay so..." i said and a huge grin grew across his face. 

                              He walked me home making me giggle and laugh on the way back. This boy is so silly... and sweet. 

   When we got to my doorsteps he walked me up. I fumbled in my pockets for my keys as he put his number in my phone. As i turn the key i could see him looking at me from the corner of my eyes. "Jacob...". "Yea?" i smiled warmly. He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer. He leaned in giving me the most passionate kiss i have ever gotten as i wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away slowly and the moonlight shined perfectly showing his beautiful features and those gorgeous green eyes. 

"meet me at the park to walk to school together?" he asked still holding my waist. "Yepperoni". He chuckled giving me the cutest smile ever. 

"text me" he said before he let go of me and crossed the street.

                      I opened the door and got inside closing it and resting my back against it. I exhaled deeply. "All i know is a simple name yet everything has change" i mumbled smiling to myself.

                         I tiredly trudged upstairs to see my phone had died and plugged it up before stripping and going to sleep.

The next day 

                                 All i knew this morning when i woke is that I knew something now that i didn't know before... since yesterday everything has changed. I woke up happy i sat up in bed and stretch then the first thing i did was reach for my phone. I had two texts.

Myfutureboyfriend: I had a good time tonight... I really like you. Anyways goodnight Jacob see you tomorrow                     12:45

                                  I laughed a little in my head. Did he really put that as his name in my phone?Then i went to the other text

Raybear: Who tf is that dude you were just kissing outside 12:40

                                         I bit my lip, Ray saw us. .... Wait why do i care!? Ray wont even claim me. Who i talk to his NONE  of his business. While i argued in my head I got another text.

Myfutureboyfriend: good morning handsome, don't forget to meet me... your all i can think about <3

                                          I blushed texting him back before getting up and hopping into the shower.Every song that came on my shuffle while i washed with my favorite body wash was a love song. I could not get Lorenzo out of my head i was so eager to see him again that I tried on everything trying to find a outfit i thought he might like.

                                                         After  getting ready I strolled to the park and there he was. At our bench. His shirt really brought out the beautifulness of his eyes. "you ready to g-" before i could finish he pulled me so i was standing in-between his legs and kisses me softly. He seemed so unaware of the dirty looks and mumbles people who happened to see gave us that i just disregarded them.

                                                              We held hands and walked to school together. "You know i could've drove us? I said while we walked through the school parking lot. 

"I want to be close to you with your undivided attention" He said as the rising sun lightened his eyes.

                                                          I was about to reply but i saw Ray come speeding over to us. He had just parked and he looked pissed. "what the fuck Jacob!?!" he yelled at me. "Are you sure you want to be seen around 'fags'?" i said giving him a cold look. When he couldn't respond i rejoined hands with Lorenzo. "come on baby" i said trying my best not to laugh at Ray's facial expression when i said that.

"baby?" Lorenzo questioned when we walked away

I laughed.

"I'll tell you about it later" i replied as i walked with him to get his schedule.

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