Baby I

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                                               Lorenzo's mom came to the door with His little sister Mia on her hip. "Hello..?" she said looking at us weird because we were both carrying my luggage. "hey mommy" Lorenzo said in his 'i'm about to ask you to do something for me' voice. Yes i know that by now. She sighed shifting his sister. "come in".

                                                   "You have fluffy hair!!" his sisters squeaky voice shrieked while her tiny hands got lost in my wild curls. "ooooww ow ow ow ow" i whined while her mom pryed her away. Lorenzo Laughed a little wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. His mom arched one of her eyebrows "oohh so this is the boy you wouldn't stop talking about." she smirked making him blush. "awww you talk about me?" i asked and his face turned bright red "mom!" She chuckled putting Mia down.

                                                  Lorenzo got to Mia's level "can you take Jacob up to my room please?" "okay!" she said excitedly while grabbing my finger and pulling me along. 

*Lorenzo's POV*

                                                  "so .... why does your little friend have luggage? I automatically gave her the puppy dog face. No one can say no to me. "Lorenzo explain" she said plopping onto the couch. "Well, mommy ..... Jacob's mom is a homophob-" I didn't even have to finish my mommy was already boiling. "You know i HATE that word! Those people are heartless. love has no gender". "well to Jacob's mom it does... she walked in on us about to kiss and she kicked Jacob out of the house". "That's ridiculous!" my mom  raved. "Yea i know... so can he stay here?" I asked already knowing the answer. "of course" she smiled warmly. "Thanks ma" i said hugging her before running upstairs.

                                                  I walked in to see Mia putting barrettes in Jacobs hair and i couldn't help but laugh. She is a 4 year old that will talk to death. Jacob looked relieved when he saw me. "Mia bed time... go to Ma" i said lifting her off my bed and watching her scurry away before closing and locking my door. I sat on the bed taking out the accessories out of his hair while we watched a movie. "so... i did you a favor convincing my mom you can stay here so do you want to do me a favor?" i asked running my fingers through his hair.

"what?" he asked nervously and i turned him to face me.

"Jacob Perez? will you be my official boyfriend?" I asked looking into his eyes

                                              He blushed really hard hiding his face in my chest making me chuckle. "answer me" i teased tickling him a little. "of course i will"  he said looking up at me. I gave him a nice slow kiss and apparently i didn't lock my door like i thought because a certain little girl giggled standing in my door way watching us. When looked up at her giving her a dangerous look she quickly said what she had to say "mommy said you two can come down and eat if your hungry" she said holding her favorite teddy bear.. which is the bear i brought her one year for valentines day. "Ok Mia" i smiled alittle "come here". She ran and jumped onto my bed and i gave her a hug kissing her cheek "good night mi pi" i said before she left the room.

                                 After eating we got ready for bed. I was wondering what we were going to do tomorrow since it's the week end but i guess that could wait. I went into the bathroom to take my medicine. I hate that its only the second day knowing him and he's seen me get weak twice i know its not my fault but its very embarrassing. I felt my knees began to buckle as i screwed the top back on. Crap! not again! it always gets worst at night. I fell with a thud and Jacob rushed into the bathroom and helped me to my bed. I sighed. "thanks' i said quietly i was still weak. 

                                  I could tell he was afraid to ask so i just let it be because i wasn't ready to explain.

                                  Later on that night we watched lilo and stitch and we were falling asleep well at least i was. When he thought i was asleep i felt him start to shke in my arms. I peeked down at him and saw tears rushing down his face and instantly held him tight. "Baby..." he tried to wipe away his tears quickly. "baby you don't have to hide the way you feel from me" I said rubbing his back. He didn't reply he just cried. I sat up holding hiim close and kissing away every tear "things will get better" i said.. i wasn't surre if that was the truth or if i just needed to hear it myself. He cried himself to sleep in my arms. As soon as he fell asleep his phone lit up with a message.

                                        I knew i should my mind my business but i wondered who could be texting him so late.

Rat: I hate you. You should go kill yourself. We don't like fags here i hope you choke on  dick and die you whore

  Reading this made my soul burn. How dare someone say this to my boyfriend!

Who the hell is 'Rat'

Sorry i didn't edit ths so there are most likely mistakes.

Mia >>>>>>>>>

Dont Run From the Truth rayxprinceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin