Rumor has it

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             We live in a small area. Only a day after Ray got out of the hospital everyone in our neighborhood knew what happened and why. By the time it was monday everyone in the city knew. 

                I woke up to plenty of hatred comments on facebook, instagram and twitter. I just brushed them off. These people dont know me they just assume other things about me because of the fact that im gay... but thats ok. It only hurts me as much as i allow it to.

                       I trudged to the bathroom and did my daily routines and left the house before i could see my mom. Every since she found out she always gives me an unconsious disappointed face even when she is really trying to seem happy.. 

                      When i got into first block everyone stared at me as if i was a mutated dog. I heard mumbles about a fag but ignored them and sat in my seat. Ray also walked in with a crew around him. They were all laughing but it got quiet when Ray saw me.

                            I heard him mumble 'fag' as he bumped by my seat and the sea of loaughter formed again. I could ignore everybody that was not a problem but when it came to Ray saying my fists automatically formed and my eyes watered. 

He must not remember anything. 

Even if he doesn't I freakin LOVED HIM! though we weren't togther for long. Shit, i still love him. As i calmed down the only person who doesn't hate me sat beside me. Macy. she is my other bestfriend. We don't rally get to hang out that much because her parents are strict.


                        Macy knew i was gay anyway... she was the only one who knew.

"how you holding up? she asked pulling out her homework from its protection sheet.

"if a nother person calls me gay or fag i will stop liking humans"

"oh" she replied shyly

                             My phone vibrated and whoop dee do a text from Ray .

Raybear: meet me under the abandoned staircases after school

                         I really need to change his name... I looked back at him and he caught my gaze mouthing 'please'. I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

After school

I took my time walking to the abandoned stairs and there Ray was when i got there. 

"what do you want?" i said bluntly 

                          Ray pulled me under the stairs and scanned my body for a few mins. I rolled my eyes and turned to leave but he grabbed my arm. He swung me around and kissed me trying to snake his arms around my waist. I pushed him a quickly

"what the fuck!?" 

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