Chapter 19

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 Thanks for the continuous support and comments, hope I don't disappoint<3

P.o.v Pete

It was nice at Joseph's, and for the past four days we've been treated like royalty. But every thought I have revolves around Patrick: including our plan to help him escape. Though the plan is scheduled, I feel sick knowing that he is still in that repulsive house, all alone.

P.o.v Patrick

It's been four days since Pete and Andy escaped, and I'm starting to think they're never coming back for me... 

"Patrick?" Ian's voice coos, and I sit up. He's made me stay in his room for the past few nights, afraid Pete and Andy might come back.

"I'm going out for a bit, you may prepare some things to eat if you wish." He says, walking over to me to kiss the top of my head before heading back to the door. "I love you." He adds, gazing at me. I return it with a glare.

His kind expression abruptly turns angry as he scoffs and storms down the steps and out of the door. I slowly stand up from the bed after a few moments, walking down the steps and into the kitchen. I pull a bowl out of the cabinet and look around for the usual guards- Joseph and this other guy called Adam. I wonder where they went.

I walk over to the lower cabinets and slip a cereal box out, pouring the contents into the bowl. After I pour the milk in I pick up the bowl and spoon, and hear a door lightly slam. I jump and drop my meal, the bowl shattering everywhere, the milk and cereal making a mess.

"Shit! Shit, shit, shit, shit." I mumble quickly, pulling at my hair in panic. If that's Ian, he'll kill me, I know it. I don't have time to get paper towels before I hear footsteps approaching. I freeze, and slowly look up to where they are approaching from. No... Not one set of footsteps, but... four?

My breathing escalates as a figure turns the corner, and I smile for the first time in what seems like years.

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