Chapter 1

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****hey! So, this is my first fanfic, hope you enjoy!! Please share and tell as many people as you can!Vote, and follow!****

P.o.v Patrick

I don't think I can be any more exhausted than I am now, but I know I have to go to this meet and greet. These fans paid to meet me and to come out to the show- I won't just bail out on them, no matter how tired I am.

I step out into the brisk air, walking quickly to where the tour bus is parked. I want to change quick, because looking gross and sweaty after performing is not how I want to greet the fans.

Shoving my hands into my jeans pockets, I look around- no security guards? 

"Hey, Patrick!" I hear an excited voice screech as I begin to open the bus door. I spin around, pushing myself against the bus instinctively, startled by the sudden scream. Two girls come running towards me.

I smile despite the fact I just want to get inside. "Hey! What's up?" I ask politely, smiling. The two girls walk up to me, probably both in their late teens, out of breath from running.

They blush and smile like crazy as one pulls out a camera from her huge purse. "C-can we get a picture?" She asks, smiling again, flashing her pure white teeth.

"Of course!" I say as the one with flaming red hair stands next to me. I put my arms around her and grin as the unnaturally bright flash goes off.

I squeeze my eyes shut, rubbing them as the girls laugh at my reaction. I open them carefully, and every time I blink large circles appear in my vision. I can't see what the second girl has in her hand as she stands next to me. "Jeez, mind waiting a second?" I ask jokingly, "I can't see a thing." I grip the bridge of my nose before putting an arm around this girl, feeling a slight headache coming on.

The one with the camera counts down from three and I smile, the blinding and dizzying flash going off again. Before I can bring my hand to rub my stinging eyes the girl beside me reaches her arm around my neck, a strange smelling cloth in her hand.

I try desperately to back away from it but she is relentless and astoundingly strong, holding the cloth tight over my nose and mouth.

I jerk my head back and forth, trying to push her and the chemical-smelling cloth away, but with no avail. I clutch her arm, prying at it with all my strength, but she won't give up.

Within seconds I feel myself growing extremely weak, my heavy eyelids threatening to collapse at any moment. My legs begin to feel numb, and my knees buckle unexpectedly. I start to slowly fall, the girl's strong grip around my neck remaining as she kneels with my body. My vision grows darker and darker, and before I know it the darkness engulfs me completely, and I succumb to unconsciousness.

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