Chapter 9

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Not completely a completely accurate picture of Ian's mansion, but just a little something to help you imagine it!

P.o.v pete

We just in silence for a bit before Patrick hesitantly rises, "Let's see how far over our heads we are..." He sighs, almost losing his balance due to his still bound hands, Andy and I in the same predicament.

I get up, following Patrick's lead, Andy close behind. We start for the stairs, and climb up and onto the second floor.

All the doors are cracked open a bit, so all Patrick needs to do is push on it to get in. The rooms are huge, filled with expensive furniture. There are a total of four rooms upstairs- three bedrooms and a bathroom. The bedroom on the end is spacious, a huge, grand bed in the center- I think it's Ian's.

We walk back out and go into the middle bedroom, three comfortable-looking beds in it. "Ours?" Andy asks, incredulous with the entire situation. Patrick sits down on the edge of one, looking at the ground with sadness in his eyes, "I guess..." He mumbles in reply as I examine the one window, which has bars locked onto it, covering the whole thing.

We remain in that room for a while before traveling back downstairs, seeing the kitchen, the living room, and the dining room. There is a door in the kitchen, and we are about to open it before Ian's voice stops us, "If I were you, I wouldn't want to go down there- ever." He announces sternly, a smirk on his face.

We stay silent, and quickly walk away to avoid him. We decide just to go back upstairs.

When we reach the bedroom with three beds in it, we each sit down on one.
"What do you think is down there?" I ask, unable to prevent myself from speaking. Patrick shrugs, "I don't know, and I don't want to." He replies shakily, his eyes unfocused and hazy.

As Patrick's body begins to tremble Andy speaks up, "I want to go home," his voice quivers and I know that I am now the only one who is relatively calm in this situation

"Patrick and Andy, listen to me. We're going to get out of here, ok?" I say, a demanding tone in my voice. Tears threaten to fall from Patrick's eyes, "Didn't you hear him, Pete? There is no way out!" He yells at me, the words lost in his overwhelmed state. "Shh! Keep your voice down! We can slip out at night, ok? We have to try." I insist, getting up and sitting next to Patrick.

P.o.v Patrick

I can't stop my limbs from shaking, I can't even stop my own thoughts from running wildly throughout my head.

So I sit in silence for the next few hours, since it's the only thing I can manage to do.

I have gotten used to the silence and Pete's presence next to me, and when Ian comes up to our room it's unexpected and I'm thrown right back into my panic.

He leans arrogantly against the door frame, staring straight at me. "I have a gift for you, Patrick." He says, his snarl matching his smirk.

I glance up into his weird, unreadable eyes, "What?" It comes out more harsh than I mean it to be, but I am far from caring right now. "I wouldn't be giving attitude like that to someone who's about to let you talk to your wife." He replies, furrowing his eyebrows.

I light up at these words, a slight smile pulling at my lip. Ian smiles in return at my happiness, "Come with me. You two stay in here." He orders and I follow him out of the room as he closes the door behind us, locking it.

As we walk he puts his against my neck, lightly gripping it. I attempt to distance myself from him, but he ignores it and leads me into his bedroom, and for a moment I become frightened- what if he lied to me?

He brings me past his bed and towards a door at the end of the room. He opens it and leads me in. It is a plain, simple room- more like a walk in closet- only containing a desk with many computer screens sitting on it. He brandishes his hand for me to sit on the chair facing all the computers, and I do.

He touches one of the black screens and suddenly I am on it in a small corner, much like what FaceTime usually looks like. "Now Patrick, listen to me for a moment." He says, putting his fingers beneath my chin again, forcing my head to face him.

"You should be very grateful to me for doing this. And before I let you, I ask one thing." He says, leaning closer to me. "What?" I ask in a weaker voice than I anticipated. "Kiss me." He demands, his dark eyes full of lust.

I feel my eyes go wide and I retract myself from his grip, "What? No!!" I yell, and immediately regret it. He grits his teeth in anger, and his jaw tightens, "So be it. Talk to her than you'll face the punishment." I feel myself begin to tremble as he raises his hand up and slaps me, the force of it nearly knocking me off the chair.

I hang my head low as he does something else to the screen. The pain resonates from the spot his hand connected, and I know there will be a mark.

I look up, stifling my emotions as he punches in Elisa's number into the keypad- how does he know her number?

He finishes and steps back out of view of the camera, his arms crossed over his muscular chest, anger embedded in his eyes.

I look at the screen, and to be honest, I look like shit. Bags heavy under my eyes, my hair tousled, a red mark on my cheek- and I look ghostly pale.

It rings a few times before it states "connecting" and Elisa's beautiful face pops up on the screen. I feel myself smile and I forget about all the pain as I look into her worried eyes. "Patrick? Where are you?!" She yells desperately.

I sniffle, "I.... I can't come home, Elisa." I reply in a quivering breath. I look up at Ian who smiles a bit before returning to my wife. "What? Why?! Patrick where are you? The police are going crazy trying to find you guys!" She says, a tear streaking from her eye. "Elisa, I just wanted to say goodbye. To let you know that I love you so much. Don't ever forget that, ok? I love you so much and I want you to move on. I want you to move on and find someone else who'll love you. I wish I can come home..." I pause for a second. "I just can't. I need you to move on with your life and tell the police to look for Joe, he's somewhere down there." I finish, feeling hot tears grace my face.

Elisa wears a look of confusion, "Wait, Patrick, what do you mean 'down there'?" She asks. "Ok, that's enough." Ian interrupts, stepping in, moving towards the screen.

"No, no wait!! I love you, Elisa!" I yell just as he ends the call. "There, happy?" Ian growls into my ear as I collapse into tears. He roughly grabs my arm before dragging me out of the small room and out of his bedroom.

Instead of bringing me back to Pete and Andy he pulls me downstairs. "Where are you taking me?" I ask, my voice trembling as I struggle to keep up with him.

"The place I told you that you wouldn't want to go." He replies calmly with an edge in his voice. I begin to struggle against him, "No! Please, I'll do whatever you want!" I insist, yelling and thrashing in his grip but to no avail.

He pushes me violently into the kitchen and I fall to the floor, bashing my head off the counter on the way down. He merely picks me up again and drags me to the door where we were stopped at before.

If this is how angry he gets for such a simple thing, then I have no clue what he'd do if we are caught trying to escape.

He opens the door, and I know I am done.

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