Chapter 16

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Thank you so much for getting this far in the story<3

P.o.v pete

Wait, wait... Safety? A smile creeps across my face as he pushes me into the car, but I can't help but feel hesitant to believe him. Once Andy climbs into the seat next to me, one of the men sits in the passenger seat, his assistant sliding in beside Andy. A girl who's in the driver's seat speeds the car quickly away from the house of horrors.

"Who are you guys?" I decide to ask after a few moments of silence. "We work for STH. Our goal is to free humans from living like pets. We're spies for STH and we infiltrated Mr. Reynolds' network because we know he is notorious for keeping people like you."

I turn excitedly towards Andy who wears the same happy expression, "Save The Humans." I whisper, but then I feel a sadness wash over me. "B-but Patrick, our friend, he's still in there with that fucking psycho. We have to go back!" I say quickly in one breath. "Slow down, Pete. We'll work it out." The man in the passenger seat soothes, giving me a reassuring look through the rear-view mirror.

I lean my head back, and close my eyes, sighing. This is the first time I fall into a semi-peaceful sleep since we got here.


"Pete? Wake up." I hear a woman's voice say, shaking me slightly. I open my eyes groggily, seeing the girl who was driving the car now untying my ankles for me since I forgot to before I fell asleep. She smiles, showing off extremely pointy teeth in the process. She then helps me out of the car, and I see Andy talking to one of the men.

The man pats Andy on the shoulder before they both walk over to me, "My name is Adam," He says, and sticks out his hand. "Pete." I reply, shaking it. "This is Joseph, and my daughter, Eve." Adam announces, beckoning his hand to Joseph and then to the girl who had untied me. I nod to all of them, giving them a small smile.

"Let's get you inside before someone sees us." Adam says, and begins walking towards the house we pulled up at. Andy and I follow silently. Once we get inside, I realize that the house is actually quite small, consisting only of one large, empty room with a small kitchen attached to it.

"How many people have you guys saved?" I ask, and Joseph smiles at me, "72 over the past year, Come with me." He leads us to the living room, and pulls a rug back, revealing a latch. He opens it, revealing stairs that lead down into a brightly lit room.

I walk cautiously down them, Andy and Joseph closely behind me. Once down, it resembles another whole house. How is this even possible?

To my left there are at least 10 bunk beds, and to my right a long table, filled with some people eating food. There are three guys and two women eating, but have stopped to watch us.

"We're sending this batch back to Earth in a few days." Joseph explains and begins walking to the side of the room where the beds are. Andy and I follow him and he points to one- "Here is where you'll be sleeping. Whenever you're hungry just press this button-" he points to a button on the wall. "And we'll bring you food. For now, goodnight. I'm sure you're both tired." Joseph says, giving us a warming smile.

He walks by us, and I can't help but try to show my gratitude, "Thank you,". He smiles again, "My pleasure, I'll bring breakfast down tomorrow morning." Joseph replies, and continues up the stairs, closing the latch.

I glance at Andy before walking hesitantly over to the table where everyone is sitting, talking and laughing as if this is a hang out. I sit down, and expect Andy to sit down next to me, but instead he says, "I think I'm just going to get some sleep." I nod, understanding his exhaustion as I watch him walk over to one of the beds.

When I turn back to the table everyone is staring at me, "Um, hi. I'm Pete." I say awkwardly, not knowing what else to do. "I'm Dan Howell." The guy next to me says, shaking my hand. "Just to save on introductions, this is Phil, Nate, Natalie and Rose." Dan explains, pointing to each person as he says their name.

"It's nice to meet you." I reply, still feeling a bit awkward and regretting joining them in the first place. "Here, have a beer. We were just going through all of our abduction stories." Nate says, handing me a bottle. I take it a bit more eagerly than I meant to, and notice the bowl of bread sticks in the middle of the table. I grab a few.

Over the course of the next few hours, I learn that Dan and Phil were abducted together two years ago off the streets of London. They were Youtubers, and they're together- still so much in love even through all that they have been through. Nate, who I knew I recognized somehow, used to sing for the band fun. He told us all that he was writing a song called 'We are young" on the way to the studio when he was taken a few months ago. He says the song has kept him sane through all of the torture, and losing his right ear from the psycho who had owned him. Natalie and Rose didn't know each other before their abduction, and they don't say much more than that. They look too traumatized to say any more. 

When I tell them all my story last, they look upset and wish me the best of luck. "I think I'm going to bed, I haven't gotten much sleep." I say, excusing myself from the table. Dan's hand reaches out and lightly grabs my wrist, "These people, they're good. They'll get your friend back." He says, and I respond only with a smile, exhaustion slowly creeping in. 

When I reach the bed I'm immediately met with sleep. But my dreams keep me ruthlessly awake, filled with Patrick's pained screams and watching him die  in different ways over and over again.

Hey guys! So, for the sake of the story, fob hasn't met Dan and Phil yet, even though they have in real life. I am not sure if they have met Nate, so let's just say they haven't lol. K, that is all<3

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