Chapter 2

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P.o.v Patrick

I wake up to the sound of silence- an eerie silence. My head is pounding, and I can't see a damn thing. I slowly sit up, realizing that my wrists are bound tightly behind my back, my ankles tied together as well. There is a blindfold around my eyes, and tape over my mouth.

I've been kidnapped.

Panic overwhelms me and my breathing hitches- I need to get out of here.

I try to stay calm but my mind takes off at a hundred miles per hour- What happened? Where am I? Are the rest of the guys ok?

My chaotically whizzing thoughts are interrupted when I hear voices talking and the sound of a door opening and closing.

I turn my head to where the sound is coming from, "Oh look who's awake! You were out for a long time!" One voice shrieks, and the blindfold is ripped off my head, messing up my already errant hair.

I look wildly around- my eyes sensitive to the light -seeing that I'm sitting on a tattered couch in a grimy house. 

The girls walk over to me after they drop grocery bags on a rickety table in the kitchen. The red head smiles at me, and I give her a confused look, furrowing my eyebrows and glaring at her.

I remember now. They wanted pictures with me after I went out to the bus, and then... I can't remember.

The red head reaches her hand out, and at first I think she is going to hit me, but instead she slowly peels the tape from my lips. "There's no use in calling for help, the neighbors are away." She says, smirking smugly at me.

"What do you want?" I demand, trying to sound angry, but in reality I am terrified.

"Woah, watch the tone. We just want you. That's it- just doing some business, then we'll be gone from your life. We'll be getting the others soon so you won't be too lonely." The one with dark hair says.

"I'm Texas," The red head says, "and that's Georgia." She points to her friend. "This really has nothing to do with our purpose here, but we love your music. We did a little research when we got the job." Texas says, and they both walk over and sit on the coffee table that stands in front of the couch, staring at me.

"Ok, listen to me," I say as calmly as I can, leaning forward carefully on the couch,. "If you love me, let me go. This is wrong, ok? This is really, really wrong and I just want to go home. I have a life and I have people who will worry about me. You guys are young, you don't want to get yourself into this. If you untie me now, I won't press charges. I promise." I explain, glancing from Texas to Georgia. "Please." I add, my voice quivering.

They both look at each other then back to me, bursting out into hysterical laughter, "You really think we would go through all the trouble to get you here and just let you go? No, we have a job to do, you wouldn't understand." Texas says, standing up. "You're a silly little guy." She sighs, ruffling my hair and walking out of the carpeted living room and into the kitchen, followed by Georgia.

Job? What kind of job requires you to abduct someone? 

After about an hour of just sitting on the couch trying to wiggle my wrists out of the ropes, I am left only with excruciating burns and no success. I am achingly tired when the girls come back into the living room, sitting on either side of me.

I roll my eyes as they munch happily on popcorn, turning on the TV in the dark room. They share the popcorn and cuddle up to me as if I was just another person at their demented sleepover. Texas holds her hand in front of my mouth, a buttered popcorn in it. I shake my head, refusing to make eye contact. She shrugs and throws it into her own mouth. Although I haven't eaten in hours, I'm not going to give in.

When the movie is over, Georgia yawns, "Bed now?" Texas nods in agreement, looking equally tired. Texas grips my arm and hauls me up, looking at me expectantly, "What the hell do want me to do?" I snap at her, nearly falling over with the way my ankles are still tied.

Texas' face contorts in anger, a dangerous glint reflecting in her eyes while her red hair seems to shine an even brighter red, "Don't," She warns, her grip on my arm tightening while her cat-like claws dig into my skin through my shirt, "talk to me like that." I shut my mouth, not wanting to know what will happen if I keep pushing her.

I hop the best I can to keep up with Texas as she leads me to a hallway, then a room. She flicks on the light, and it is merely a small square of space, only containing a large dog cage in the corner. She pushes me in, and I fall, earning a condescending giggle.

She steps over me as I attempt to sit up and goes to the dog cage, opening the door. I give her a bewildered look as she pulls me up to my knees and half drags me towards the cage. She points to it, "Get in."

I scoff, "No way." Texas raises her brows, and forcefully pushes me in anyways. My head hits the metal bars as she slams the door closed, locking it with a padlock. She stands up abruptly and goes to the door.

She walks out, only to poke her head back in for a moment, "Oh, and Patrick? Don't try anything. There's no way to escape us. Don't underestimate what we are capable of." She says, adding a small smile and a wink. With that, Texas turns off the light and closes the door. There is a click, and I know it is locked.

"Goddamn!" I yell- not caring if she hears me- kicking at the cage. Even if I do get my hands free by some miracle, I won't be able to open the cage. And even if by some other miracle I get out of the cage, I won't be able to get out of the room. There is no window and the door is locked.

I can try and get my hands free to prepare for the morning when they come to let me out, but that will take energy I know I don't have. I'll rest for the night, I guess, and face them tomorrow.

As I drift off to a predictably unsettling sleep, her words ring through my mind:

Don't underestimate what we are capable of...

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