Chapter 4

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***i really enjoy writing this, hopefully everyone is enjoying reading<3 always love to hear your opinions, predictions, concerns, questions, anything!! Thanks! Vote, comment, share!***

P.o.v Pete

I slowly open my eyes after hearing a soft sound. I glance at my phone- 4:30.... What was that? I suddenly feel a hand grab my ankle with a crushing grip, and I am ripped from my bunk roughly, landing on the floor painfully hard.

I groan in pain and turn onto my stomach, holding my head, squeezing my eyes shut as if it'd magically get rid of the pain. I feel a sharp heel dig into my back, and I cry out. Thankfully, the commotion wakes Joe and Andy, and they shoot up in their bunks.

"What the fuck?" I hear Joe yell as a cold object touches the back of my neck, and an equally cold voice sneers, "Move and you get to watch this handsome man die."

I tense and freeze in my spot, fear controlling me as the barrel of the gun presses harder into the back of my neck. "Y-you have Patrick, don't you?" I ask in a small voice, turning my head to glance up at my assailant out of the corner of my eye.

I see her smirk, and that evil expression makes me want to punch a whole through her pretty little face. "You bitch!" I scream, suddenly flipping myself over and shoving her heel off me, standing up. I take a stance and swing my fist at her face. My assault seemingly does no damage as she just snaps her head back to stare into my eyes.

I cock an eyebrow at her and swing again. And again. Nothing. No blood. No bruise. I bring my fist back further to hit harder, but her hand stops mine, and she slowly squeezes, crushing my fingers.

I scream out in agony, "Who are you?" 

She leans in close to my face and smiles, "Your best worst nightmare."

P.o.v Joe

All Andy and I can do is stare in absolute horror. Shock keeps me in place as I watch helplessly, the girl hitting Pete in the face with her gun. She spins around and faces me, her eyes piercingly cold as she points the gun at me, "Get up." She demands, and I do so, fear coursing through my veins like poison.

I give Andy a nervous glance,  her voice slicing the air again, "Get on your knees." I kneel down, keeping my eyes fixed on the ground. I look over to Pete's motionless body, and notice another girl has begun to drag him out.

P.o.v Andy

I watch helplessly as the girl walks to stand behind Joe, and does what she did to Pete to him. He falls to the ground, limp.

"I think you get the process?" She says sweetly, stepping over Joe and approaching me.

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