chapter ten

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Kiya Radner

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Kiya Radner

Teddy and I were kissing, and I was feeling mixed emotions. My first reaction was to kiss back. So I did. And I felt something I've never felt before. I wanted more, and not in a sexual way either. Once I realized what was actually happening, and what Teddy had done to my family I pulled away, covering my mouth with my hands.

He stared at me, only inches between us. "I know you liked that. And I know you have feelings for me," He said. "There's just something about you." I didn't say anything, just moved my hands from my mouth.

"Kiya, I'm incredibly sorry," He said.

"I can't forgive you. Not until things are right with my family." I finally said, before running off and away from Teddy.


My mom had come back, and made up with my dad super quick. They had noticed me staying in my room more and more each day, only leaving to go to school or work. Speaking of school, I should probably get ready.

I put on a random outfit I got together, and finished getting ready. I tried, yet I didn't at the same time. I still wanted to look presentable, especially since today I had to present something for English. It's something I got assigned a while back.

Standing in the mirror, I smiled a fake smile at myself. "Just get through the presentation today, and everything will be fine, then you can go back to being a nobody." Although it was a lie.  Nash was popular at my school, that's why I knew that I had absolutely no chance with him. Getting with him was the worst decision of my life. Nat found out, but she doesn't bring it up around me much because she knows it's a touchy subject for me.

Grabbing my backpack, I made sure I looked okay again before walking out. My parents didn't notice me leave, which I didn't mind. They're talking about something, but won't tell me what. When I got outside I noticed Teddy was outside getting ready to go somewhere. 

He lightly smiled at me, waving. I just looked down, seeing him sigh and put his hand down from the corner of my eye. Nat pulled up and I hopped in, her starting to drive to school. We soon got there, and I walked to my first class, which was depressingly English.

I sat in my seat in the corner, ignoring the stares I had gotten from people. The bell soon rang, and I felt my heart beating faster every few seconds. I wasn't ready for this, I already got enough stares as it is, I didn't want more.

"Alright hello class! And as you already know, it's presentation day!" My teacher said. "Basically, you'll be talking about the situation thing I told you to make up. Then, when you're done, the class may ask any questions. Oh, and I almost forgot! We have some special guests. They're college students." 

Oh no... Please let it not be-

"We have three, Pete Regazolli, Teddy Sanders, and Nash Seth." She smiled, as the three walked in. Pete awkwardly smiled, while Teddy and Nash shot glares at each other.

Everyone's attention went from them to me, and I groaned, hitting my head on the desk.

"Miss Radner, are you alright?" The teacher asked, as I picked my head up.

"Peachy." I cleared my throat. She continued talking, and soon enough started calling different people up to present.

"Miss Radner." She finally said, and my stomach exploded. I awkwardly stood up, grabbing my papers and walking to the front of the classroom. Someone put their foot out, and I tripped before turning and glaring at the person.

"Hey, watch it." Teddy said, and I felt my face heat up. They were sitting in the back, Pete between the two who hated each other. Because of me.

"Alright Miss Radner. What was your situation that you did?" She asked.

"Oh, my situation was-"

"Loser!" Someone called from the back.

"Can you shut up please? I'm trying to listen." Teddy growled, and I felt my breath become uneven.

"Um, my situation was basically a girl is torn between two boys. One of which, doesn't like her. He doesn't care for her feelings whatsoever. But he's popular, and loved by everyone. He only wants to use her, and play her like a toy. The other, is very popular also, but claims that he's into her. She doesn't know who to choose, because she's known the first boy for most of her life. They went to school together until he left for college. The other boy, just happened to be her neighbor. They haven't known each other very long, and the two boys don't like each other." I explained, my throat feeling like it was closing up.

Sure, it was super cheesy to use my situation but considering I'd put off most of my homework for being so upset, this was the best that I could come up with.

Teddy and Nash both looked at me, knowing exactly where I got my situation from.

"She kept telling them she didn't know who to choose, although she knew she wanted to choose Boy B. But, her mother loved Boy A, and believed him over her. Her parents hated Boy B," I said.

 "Who'd she choose?" The teacher asked, as I felt tears coming to my eyes.

"She didn't know, still doesn't know. She wants to choose Boy B, but he broke her. They both did." I replied.

"Alright, well, this is the first time in years someone's given me a situation without resolving it. I like it. Any questions?" She asked, turning to the class. 

"Yeah, why don't she just stop being a little wimp and tell them both off and get a new guy?" Someone asked.

"It's not that easy." I replied.

"Okay, but why don't she choose Boy B?" Another person asked.

"Because he broke her family apart." I said, feeling the paper crumble in my hands from gripping it so hard.

People started asking all of the questions at once, until Nash interrupted them. "Yeah, I have a question. Why don't you just choose me instead of him?"


im sorry omg. ok so basically at the end of next chapter i'll be having a character//author q&a, ask me or any of the characters as many questions as you want and *we'll* answer them next chapter :))

outfit at the top is her outfit btw, i don't own it at all i got if off of google and cropped it down to just one outfit instead of 3. i used to make my own outfits for all of my stories but since polyvore got deleted it won't show up on any of my stories anymore so i have to delete them and either just change the photo to a gif or find another one off of the internet.

have a wonderful day/night

falling in love with the neighbor,  teddy sanders ✔Where stories live. Discover now