chapter five

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Kiya Radner

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Kiya Radner

"So how long will you be here Nash?" I heard my mom talking to Nash as they ate breakfast. I was still in my room, not wanting to move after yesterday. My hair was a mess, and I was wearing just a t-shirt that I had in my dresser.

"A while, I don't know yet." He replied, and I messed with my hair as I listened to the rest of the conversation.

"Well Kiya will be devastated once you leave again."

"I know, and I'll hate to leave her." I heard him say. I stopped listening once there was a knock on my window. I looked over and saw Teddy, standing there looking at me.

Getting up, I walked over and opened my window. "What?"

He looked at me a second before replying. "I thought you didn't like Nash."

"W-what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Oh come on Kiya, I know you had sex with him last night." He said.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said, crossing my arms.

"I know you do. I mean not because you were screaming because you weren't, but because the way you look right now." He said.

"Stop," I said.

"And to be honest, I think you could've done way better." He replied anyway, ignoring me.

"Teddy, stop," I said again.

"And if it were me, I'd make you scream so loud, your parents heard." He continued.

I was about to tell him to stop again, when Nash walked in.

"Kiya? You okay?" He asked, walking up to me.

"I'm fine," I said. "Teddy was just leaving."

"See you around, Kiya boo." Teddy smirked, before hopping down and toward his house. I tensed, not knowing what to do.

"What'd he say to you?" Nash asked.

I turned, looking up at him. "He knows we uh... did it." I replied.

"How?" He asked.

"I don't know. He was talking about how he knew, and he could've done it way better." I said.

"You need to stay away from him Ky," He said. "He's not good for you."

I nodded. "I know."

He wrapped his arms around me, holding me lightly. "Let's do something." 

"Like what?" I asked.

"Hmm... I don't know. Tonight wanna crash the party?" He asked.

"What party?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Keddy's party." He replied.

"It's Teddy.." I trailed. "Besides. Don't you want me to stay away from him?"

"Well I'll be there, so don't worry." He mumbled, kissing at my neck slightly.

"Nash, stop." I said, tensing up a bit.

"Why?" He whined.

"Because my parents and your sister are downstairs." I replied, looking up at him.

"Fine, fine." He said, pulling away. He went and laid on my bed, winking at me. "But wait till later."


sorry it's so short! i couldn't think of anything and people were wanting a chapter :// if you get bored and tired of waiting maybe you could check out my other stories? i promise they're way better than this one... and i'm sorry for bugging you but i just want people to read and comment and vote on my other books.

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