lol no one likes you kaydee

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Dan's POV again

"Get up," Chris nudges me and I open my eyes to see that the people around me were standing up and getting their luggage and shit.

"Ugh," I groan and pull myself up, stretching a bunch. I glance over to see that Kaydee was still sleeping. I smile slightly at her and slightly nudge her. "Hey, we're here," I say softly and she yawns slightly, glancing up at me.

"Oh okay," she mumbles in that sleeping morning voice that I still knew so well. I chuckled and nod, offering her a hand up.

"*cough* fiancé *cough*" I hear PJ fake cough over by Chris who were both staring at me with accusing looks in their eyes.

"Ignore them," Kaydee whispers to me and I nod, rolling my eyes at my friends. We all grab our luggage and head outside to see that it's still quite bright out.

"What time is it?" I hear Chris grumble, trying to keep up with his crutches.

"About 4pm," Max says, checking his phone.

"Fucking time zones," I grumble as we go to a place in the air port that has a fountain and a bunch of shops surrounding it.

"We'll go get the cars, you guys stay here," Max says and walks off with Parker and Brian. I nod and we get a seat at a place that serves food.

"I'm so tired," PJ mumbles and we nod in agreement.

"What time was it when we left London?" Kaydee asks.

"Umm," I say and rub my head a bit. "I'm not sure," I sigh and look around at the airport. It reminds me of the one that we went to when we were trying to catch Kaydee.

"I've always wanted to go to Australia," Chris says, smiling.

"I've been here before," Kaydee giggled. "It's really nice,"

"Shut up I wasn't talking to you," Chris says rolling his eyes and Kaydee puts her hands up in defense. I glare at him with my mouth open slightly.

"Chris!" I say annoyed.

"It's fine," Kaydee says quietly. "Don't worry,"

"No it's not!" I say and look at Chris and PJ who were not amused. "Why don't you just be fucking nice to her! She hasn't done anything to you, she's not going to fucking hurt you, she's trying to help!" I say.

"Let's just leave it," PJ says. "Chris, be nicer,"

"Yes mum," he sighs.

"Really, Dan, I'm used to all this, it's fine," Kaydee whispers so that only I can hear her. I roll my eyes and turn to her.

"I don't care. You're still my friend and I don't want anyone to be mean to you," I say back just as quiet. I honestly feel like I still need to be protective of her. She may not be my girlfriend, but she's still my friend and I don't want anybody here to lay a finger on her, even my best friends.

"Dan, I can take care of myself," she giggles. "You know me, I'm a fighter, no one can actually hurt me." I smile and nod.

"You're my fighter," I laugh and nudge her side.

"Yeah," she says quietly and looks down. I look at her strangely. Why had she gotten quiet all of a sudden? I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I take it out to see a text from Chris.

'I don't see a ring on her finger that says fighter,' he sends me and I shoot him a glare before texting him back.

'that means nothing. shut the fuck up,' I send back and shove my phone back in my pocket. I did say it didn't mean anything. But I can't help but feel guilty at saying that. Phil is my fighter. Not Kaydee. I love Phil. But, thinking about him more and more just makes me sad all over again, and I want to be happy. And fucking hell, I sound selfish. I take out my phone once more. 'sorry, Chris.. really.. I haven't been meaning to act like this. I've just been forgetting about this whole thing when talking to Kaydee, and it's been making me hate my life less and less,' I wait a second, seeing him type on his phone sending something back

'Forgetting about all of this.. you mean forgetting about Phil?' I sigh at that message, realizing it to be true.

'can we talk later?' I glance up at him when he gets the message and nods to me. I smile and play candy crush on my phone again when Max, Brian, and Parker come up to us.

"We have some vehicles," Max says and we nod, standing up. Brian and Parker go out to get the cars, whilst we go to get the luggage.


"Where are we going to be staying?" I ask Max. I'm in the front seat and Chris and PJ are in the back seat. Kaydee went in the police car that had Brian and Parker.

"A hotel," he says back to me and I roll my eyes.

"Well I could've figured that out, idiot," I chuckle. "Which hotel?"

"Fuck if I know!" Max laughs. "We're just following Brian's car. He said it was his turn to choose the hotel."

"You guys can be children," I giggle and he nods.

"It's a fun job sometimes," he laughs and I nod, looking out the window. "You know, I think Jordan might come down in a few days," he says and I smile brightly.

"Wait, really?" I ask excitingly.

"Yeah, he has to set a few things up and finish some work at the prison, but since he's Kaydee's guard, he's aloud to come,"

"Aw, yay, I miss him!" I say, grinning. "We haven't talked since we went to see Kaydee and even before that, we hadn't talked in while."

"I miss him too," Max smiles. "Let's hope work doesn't get him caught and he'll be able to come soon," Brian's car got on a exit at that point and Max followed. "Looks like we found a place," he said.

"It looks nice," I hear PJ say in the back who I just remembered was in the car. "Maybe it has a pool!" I nod and sigh a little bit, memories of Phil and I in a hotel pool when trying to find Kaydee.

"It probably does," Max grins and I smile as well as we pull into the hotel parking lot.

this chapter is just a little bit of a filler and of course a bit of drama with Dan being a dick and whatnot

really though, that "fighter" remark was a dick move.

lol I write this story sometimes I forget that

Welp. not sure when the next update is. In other news, I REACHED 10,000 ON KILLER *cheers* thank you all so so much for putting up with my shit I love you all,<3 in other other news.. I REACHED 1,000 FOLLOWERS ON MY PHAN INSTAGRAM *cough* which you should all follow me now my username is phan_meow *cough*

so its a good day.

bye everyone! Hope to see an update soon :3 (next chapter will be good)

*trampoline party* *I can jump higher than you all* *loll not really* *Im no coordinated* *kay bye*

I thought it was over? (Killer sequel) (phan , kickthestickz, and maxigreuter)Where stories live. Discover now