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Phil's POV

"Yes, mum, for the thousandth time, you're invited to the wedding!" Dan says on the phone with his mum while were on the way home from shopping for the wedding. Dan chuckles. "No, you're my own mother, there's no need for any payment," he pauses, listening to her for some time. "That's great mum, but me and Philly are doing something right now, talk to you later byyeee," he says quickly and hangs up the phone. I laugh at his unamused face.

"So is she invited?" I ask jokingly and he rolls his eyes. "C'mon, Dan she knows she's invited, but she's just happy and doesn't want to stop talking about it!"

"Yeah, yeah," he says. "I don't really want to stop talking about it either, I mean, in one month, I can call you my husband." I grin brightly as he kisses my cheek. His phone rings again and he groans loudly.

"Are you happy you decided to take all the phone calls about the wedding, now?" I ask him and he shakes his head with wide eyes. He suggested to be taking all the questions that anyone has about the weddings and I'm pretty sure he's losing his mind.

"Yes, Little, you can come to the wedding!" he says. "Yeah, Kaydee IS going to be there. Is Al going?" he pauses, listening to Officer Little. "That dildo!" he says loudly and I shush him since an old lady was walking by. "I mean, his own child being born isn't an excuse to see his two favorite dudes get married,"

"Al has a child being born!" I say quickly feeling surprised and he nods then holds his hand over the microphone.

"Yeah, and it's near the day of our wedding, and he's not even coming, that's not even fucking fair!" he says and I chuckle and roll my eyes at him. "Fine, you can bring the other officers too, but just ones that were at Paris with us. Yes, your husband can come too,"

We havn't seen any of the officers that much since Paris. I would visit Officer Little every so often but that's pretty much it. We've only seen Al once and that was when they surprised us by showing up at our house pretending we were under arrest on my birthday.

"Okay, well, I'm kind of busy at the moment, so call me later, bye!" he says and hangs up. I chuckle slightly. "What?"

"You're such a liar," I say and we turn the corner of the street that our apartment's on. His phone rings for the fifth time on our shopping trip and he groans even louder this time, answering it.

"What the fuck do you want!" he yells in the phone and I widen my eyes at him. "Chris, shut the fuck up, (Chris Kendall not dead guy Chris) I told you what you should wear to the wedding, this morning!" he says annoyed and I laugh at our friend on the other line. "Chris, your wedding, is in five months, and I highly doubt that it's going to clash with ours, stop being an ass," Chris proposed to PJ about three months after Dan and I got proposed. They were dating longer than us though, for three years. "YES, PJ IS ALLOWED TO COME TOO STOP BEING A DICK!" Dan half yelled, half laughed into the phone. Chris was just messing with him.

"FINE THEN!" I hear Chris yell in the phone from the other line and it went dead. Dan and him always have a "fake hate" relationship.

"God, why is this wedding so much work?" Dan says sighing and puts his phone away in his pocket when we reach our apartment.

"I don't know, but it will be worth it," I say and we walk in to go upstairs after meeting some subscribers along the way. Some found out they live in the same building as us and stalk us every now and then. We go up the flight of stairs and into our place, crashing down on the couch. I cuddle up to Dan and hold his hand. Dan's phone breaks the silence again.

"WHAT THE FUCK NOW?" he yells and takes out his phone to answer not even looking at the ID. "WHAT?! Oh, sorry, Grandma," he says and I burst out in a fit of laughter. He shushes me and continues to talk to her. "Grandma, the wedding is in Paris, not New Zealand," I chuckle again. His grandma can get confused from her age. "Grandma, we've been through this, I'm marrying Phil, not Annabell," I sigh at that. Even though it's been this long, I still feel the small amount of guilt for stealing Dan away from Kaydee. "Yes, Grandma, I told you I was gay a whole year ago," he chuckles. "Yes, yes I know you're happy for me and I need you to do me a favor, and if you have any questions then just ask mom. Okay, I love you too, bye Grandma," he sighs and lifts his hips slightly to put his phone in his pocket just after sighing loudly. I have my head resting on his shoulder and looking down, still feeling kind of down from his Grandma's mention of Annabell. "What's wrong, baby?" he asks and tilts my head so I'm looking in his eyes. I sigh and look down.

I thought it was over? (Killer sequel) (phan , kickthestickz, and maxigreuter)Where stories live. Discover now