The Book Club

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Well, let my just tell you a short or long summary about the rest of the day at my drama filled school. Well, maybe it would be a long summary, since I am now involved in all of this drama. Thank you again, Nathan. Well, technically it was my fault getting in the drama in the very first place.

Okay, so most of the drama was going on during lunch. Of course, that should have been what I expected. And again, I had to be involved, since the intelligent three are the ones that I defended, a second time. I have no problem with that. I just seem to be the only one that knows how to stand.

And then Nathan had to step in as the overprotective boyfriend. Instead of, well, leaving it to me. God, call me a feminist but you don't have to treat me like some little kid off the streets! Let the comments begin...

Well, he kind of did act as my verbal shield. In the end, the freaking PE coach came in to separate Alexander and Nathan and me from Stephanie. I mean, it was pretty crazy. I didn't get suspended, because we were just abusing each other verbally and they stopped before anything real would happen like when...

Never mind, I would most likely wan to forget the time I was almost suspended for two weeks which I did not understand why. I guess I was feeling weak and vulnerable at the time so I did not at all want to explain.

I just is book club..

Agh more friends, and Martin and Rita's budding romance or already romance and...

...maybe, romance was not as bad.

Instead it's kind of like a horror movie filled with suspense and you have almost no idea what is going to happen.

You never know if they're going to cheat on you, or if they're going to break up with you, or loose interest in you.

The thing is that they're separate categories but they are almost exactly the same whenever I experience this kind of thing. I am never going to let my guard down with Nathan.

How am I sure that when he left in middle school and left me for literally how many years would want to date me? I remember when we used to talk on Skype, then he got caught up in studies and stuff...

So I spent the rest of the high school by myself, going through it myself. I mean, my mom would talk to me a bit if she was not busy in the library and her hands would not be full.

Every once in a while my dad would talk to me, but he's a police officer and in our kind of area his hands are full.

I was sitting in the library, reading my book about "100 Things to do When Life Gives You Lemons" and watched as Milton sat here with a smile on his face as I looked at him oddly.

"How are you, Maria?" Million asked as I rose one eyebrow as I gave him a thumbs up and waited for the rest of them to come.

Nathan came in second, with his arm draped around me shoulders as Martin and Rita came from the cafe right next to the bookstore as I put down my book.

Before the meeting could even begin, that stupid group of pep girls came in and had to ruin everything even though they already had at school. They already tortured me enough, making me take my test over because the teacher suspected my cheating when in reality they were just mimicking my voice asking for answers.

Come on, Maria, one more month, four weeks, and they'll be out of your life forever.

I inhaled sharply and looked at the clown faces as they smiled at us, with whitened teeth. "Hm, I love this little group of nerds! The student council president, vice, secretary," Stephanie said and turned towards Nathan and I as her face turned into an expression of disgust.

"Rejects," she said coldly as Rita frowned, looking down as Martin put his hand on her shoulder. Milton clenched his doses as the three of them were quiet.

"Now listen here," I said in a quiet tone, looking over at the three of them, also Skyler. "You are banned from my mom's library, just so you know. And if you need a reminder, I'll kick you out," I said sounding cold as the three just laughed.

"You can't kick us out. Skyler, yeah no doubt but hey, she doesn't need your mom's old, ratty books for the disabled," she said with a smirk. I inhaled deeply as they walked away from the bookstore as I tried so hard not to chase after them and rip their heads off.

"Why, do you keep on defending us? I mean, we, too, are just a bunch of rejects," Milton said as I shook my head, sneakily holding Nathan's hand under the table and just smiled.

"You are not rejects, student council members. I'm sure one of you will graduate as valedictorian. The real reject is me, and I ruined Nathan's chance of actually fitting in," I said as he shook his head, looking at me with his chocolate brown eyes and the slightest smile on his face and a hint of confidence tinted in his eyes.

"No, being with them? I'll be a reject no matter what. With you I'm someone," Nathan said as I smiled, as Milton cried out.

"I'm the only single one!" He cried out as my mom quickly shushed him. She was not very good at seeing, of course she was blind, but she could hear things perfectly.

Rita giggled as she pulled out a book of hers. "We should get the meeting started, shouldn't we?" Rita asked with a smile as I nodded, smiling at her back as I put away my book as Rita started to talk softly about her book so that we would not get in trouble like Milton.

And so far, so good. They did not bother us from then, and for that I need to be pretty grateful.

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