Mama of Drama

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"Oh, you two were together! I guess some people were wrong, you had one friend!" Sasha said and laughed pathetically. Jack stood in front of her, so I couldn't slap her on the cheek and all of a sudden a whole lot of blush and contour will end up on my hand.

"Yes. Yes we are," Nathan said confidently. I tried to play with it as I nodded, closing my history book.

"Pathetic. Of course, two rejects go together, right?" Jack asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, trouble maker, how's suspension doing?" Sasha asked with her arms crossed as her and Jack laughed.

"Actually, it wasn't her fault! It was you who pushed her into suspension!" Nathan exclaimed and stood up, but he just got back down when Jack pushed him down to his seat as he landed on top of me.

"Don't trash talk my girl, got that?" Jack asked as I rolled me eyes.

"Don't waste your time on those fake bicep implants," I said as Sasha gasped in shock.

"Don't insult my man like that you bitch!" Sasha exclaimed and straight up slapped me on the face. I mean, it wasn't much, but it still stung.

"Look, I don't want to start another fight, okay? I got in trouble enough," I said and turned the other way, hiding my embarrassment as I faced a wall.

"Look, what you did was wrong," Nathan said an eventually stood up. I turned to see Jack pushing him down to the ground this time.

"I don't care. Push me down all you want, it won't change a thing. Harassing people weaker than you doesn't make you strong, it doesn't justify anything. It just proves of how much of a jerk you are," Nathan said as I turned to see that he was defending me. Defending me.

"So you're protecting a misfit in society?" Jack asked as Nathan shrugged, nodding with confidence.

"That makes the both of us. I care about her more than you would ever care about Sasha," Nathan said as Jack was going to punch him in the face. However, Larry held him back and kicked out the two from the library.

Nathan sighed in relief with a happy grin on his face as he sat down. I crossed my arms and faced the wall.

"What did you mean by that last sentence?" I muttered as Nathan just chuckled.

"Sorry, I forgot you were allergic."

My eyes widened as I felt my allergy form. All of the blood rushing to my face as I felt knots in my stomach as if I was feeling nauseous.

"Just, stop pretending about the thing I can't take it anymore. We're merely friends and friends only, okay?" I said and looked outside the window as my parent's car was there.

I sighed and picked up my history book and read the words. I easily picked up the information. At least now, I could relax a bit.

"Sorry, Mars," Nathan said as I nodded, reading my book.

"It's just that, I want to stay friends and, if we get in that kind of thing, it could ruin our friendship. Also, I hate romance, so we're kinda the opposite when it comes to that," I said as Nathan chuckled.

"That's fine you don't need to make me feel much more horrible about myself," Nathan said as I nodded, closing my book, finishing with my homework.

I saw as my mom and dad got back from their little date. Nathan stood up as I walked up to them. "I finished studying," was all I said.

"That's good. I also contacted the principal so you're going to school tomorrow," dad said as I nodded.

"That's good," I said calmly.

"I'll be heading home now. Curfew's almost up. I'll see you later Mr and Mrs Ramos," Nathan said and grabbed his book bag and his book that he bought and left.

I saw that my mom had a worried look on his face. "U-Um, you're dad should be resting right now he has a big day at the office tomorrow," mom said as Hanatamago was still in my mom's leash. He sat next to me and nuzzles his head against my calf.

"Honey, we're going to have a girl talk upstairs. Just head to bed before me," mom said as dad nodded, kissing her in the cheek as he walked up the stairs. Mom sat across from me in the booth I sat next to Nathan with. I found a note stuck on the table as I took it and read it.


Really I mean it, Mars


"Idiot," I muttered and stuffed the note in my pocket.

"Maria, your cheeks are red," my mom said and felt my forehead.

"Sorry, it's allergies," I said as my mom raised one eyebrow.

"To what? Tilapia?" Mom asked as I shook my head.

"Romance," I muttered sounding disgusted from the word, since I was.

"I knew it. When your face is red, that's not an allergic reaction. It's normal when people react to romance," I said as I raised one eyebrow.

"What are the other side effects?" I asked.

"Possible trembling if you're shy like I was, I'm, butterflies in your stomach that can sometimes feel like knots," mom said as I gulped, shaking my head.

"I saw it happen to you when you were reading the note and through the window when you were ignoring Nathan," mom said as my eyes widened.

I was shocked as my jaw almost dropped. I shook my head, laughing. "Wait, you're not saying..," I said and trailed off.

"Well, I'm no doctor but I must say that according your symptoms, I guess, you're in love, with Nathan Torio," my mom said and walked off.

"I'm going to get ready for bed. Tomorrow's a busy day with the book club coming in. You can stay up until nine," mom said as I nodded. Though I couldn't do much but sit there, shocked.

"I'm in love...G-Gross!"

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