Old Memories

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"Come on why do you always have to pick Princess Daisy?" Nathan asked as I laughed, ending up to start as second.

"How come you always have to pick Luigi?" I muttered as the race started. I pushed him out of the way and ended up first.

"No fair you started that way!" Nathan exclaimed as I zoomed forward. Nathan ended up falling back behind.

"Ha!" I exclaimed triumphantly.

"No! I will defend my title!" Nathan exclaimed as I rolled my eyes. I picked up a mystery cube and found myself to get, a banana? "Take this, Princess Daisy!"

I was hit in the back as my kart spun around. I grit my teeth as Nathan laughed triumphantly.

I threw the banana at him as he tripped I n it, since it was slippery as he crashed into the side. I smirked and continued playing.

"I'm gonna win I'm gonna win!" I exclaimed.

"No you aren't no you aren't!" Nathan said.

However, it was too late for him. Nathan frowned as I stood up triumphant.

"Haha! The princess reigns again!" I exclaimed as Nathan put down his controller.

"What do I owe you?" He asked as I put my hands on my hips.

"Lunch. Tomorrow," I said as Nathan nodded. That's how it always was.

"Hello, Maria! That's an awful lot of noise coming from your room! Your mother and I are going on a da..," my dad started to trail off as I raised one eyebrow.

"Day that Nathan finally came back! Oh, you were like a son to me! You've grown! Wow, you're almost as tall as me! What brings you back to America?" dad asked and sat on the floor with us, picking up the controller, or technically Nintendo. Don't judge.

"Honey, are you ready for the date?" I heard my mom ask as dad started racing Nathan.

"Cancelled. I can't trust Maria at home with a boy," he said as I noticed he was sitting in between Nathan and I.

"Hanatamago!" I exclaimed as he jumped into my arms as I stroked the large Corgi's fur. I'm surprised that he didn't react to Nathan and instead licked his arm.

"Hanatamago! I'm trying to beat your foster father!" Nathan exclaimed and continued playing Mario Kart.

Mom took a seat next to me as she watched the two boys play their Mario Kart. "Neither of them changed, haven't they?" Mom asked as I nodded.

"What was dad like, when you two met?" I asked as mom chuckled a little.

"The same as he is now. But, I'm guessing you would like a bit more detail," mom said as I nodded. "Well, he was the only person who would understand me, so we gave it a go for being friends. A week later, we fell for each other and lasted for seven years. Then, this happened. Your father, was kind, and he acted sort of like you. Except, you have a blend of my personality."

I was trying not to throw up with the fact that I was allergic to love. I nodded as Hanatamago sat on my lap again, almost as if he was falling asleep.

"Yes!" Dad exclaimed as Nathan sighed in defeat.

"Why does your whole family have to be the royal family of the mushroom kingdom?!" Nathan exclaimed in sadness.

"There there. Honey, how about this would be our date?" Dad said as I saw mom nod with a cheery smile on her face.

"S-Sure! Good thing I wore something that was just casual," mom said as she patted the seat next to her. At first, dad was a bit hesitant as he switched seats with me and I ended up sitting next to Nathan.


At this moment, my mom was holding the DS as my dad directed her what to do. As for me, I was blindfolded and Nathan had to direct me.

"Hey, this is fun!" Mom exclaimed as I smiled, continuing to play Mario Kart.

"Who won?" I asked as Nathan screamed out in glee.

"You did, Princess Da-" Nathan was cut off by my dad clearing his throat.

"Ahem, is there a reason why you called my child princess? Maybe, having a long distance relationship this whole time without me knowing?" Dad asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Dad, relax. He was about to say Princess Daisy. The character I always play as," I said as dad calmed down a bit. My mom had bursted out in laughter as I smiled and high fived Nathan in victory.

"We won!" We exclaimed in unison as mom and dad nodded.

"Your dad and I will be going on that date now. Nathan, I believe it's your curfew. You should probably head home," mom said as her and dad got up, holding hands. Nathan got his backpack filled with games and books as he waved at me. I waved back as he left. Hanatamago continued to sleep on my lap as I lifted him up on the bed, using him as a cuddle pillow.

"Hanatamago, you know my mom and dad for a long time. How was it?" I asked as I scoffed. "I forgot, you're sleeping and you don't speak English. Sweet dreams, Hanatamago," I said and closed my eyes, actually dreaming for once.

I was in a dark room, where the only light was coming from the kitchen. I saw that it was one of those cartoon hearts that were floating and was lit up like Christmas lights.

I always had this dream, which bothered me. Usually, before I saw the guy's face, he would show up with flowers and it would jolt me awake. However, this time, it was different.

The guy wasn't holding flowers. Instead, two Nintendo DS's, and the heart held a message.

Be the Princess Peach to my Mario?

I gulped when I saw his face. As soon as I woke up, I felt as if I was transported into time. Hanatamago was licking my face, waking me up. That and my alarm.

"Oh shoot, I have school today," I said, Barry even caring about my dream as I got ready for school and walked out of the house.

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