Parental Problems

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I sat in the corner of my room, while my mom and dad were lecturing me. "I thought you were the quiet one! Then you go and harass Skyler Green!" My mom exclaimed as I buried my face in my knees.

"I'm sorry," I said as dad clicked his tongue in disappointment.

"Why wouldn't you say the reason why you did it? You were just saying yes and okay the whole time the principal was talking to us," dad said, trying to sound calm.

"Because I didn't want to start another argument," I said.

"Maria, why did you do it to Skyler anyways?" Mom asked as Hanatamago looked at me, whimpering. I don't know why, but I felt as if tears were streaming down my face. Hanatamago jumped on my lap as he became my dog pillow again.

"Because...because, they insulted you..., they made fun of the fact that you were blind...," I said and shook my head, resting my head on Hanatamago and silently sobbing.

"Mom, I was defending the Student Council President's sister, and the Student Council President themselves. Skyler was the one that stole a really expensive book from the library. They kept saying I had no family, not even a friend...," I said and trailed off as I continued to cry.

"Why is it always like this? The one time I stand up for what was right, and I made myself noticeable...this is what happens? Is this why Martin Luther King was assassinated? Is this why most famous people that stood for what was right were assassinated by the people that strongly disagreed?" I asked as my voice cracked at my first assassinated.

"Sweetie, Maria. I hope that you know, we went through that phase in high school, too. Your mother and I were just bait for the big fish at our school. It may not be too late for you to start defending yourself. Maybe find a friend, who will stand by your side. That's how I came into your mother's life. I know you already have Nathan," my dad said as I looked up, shaking my head.

"I hate romance," I said as my dad winced.

"Okay, maybe I shouldn't have said that. Have a friend by your side, I mean. I'm going to have to talk to the principal and show the school footage about that. Maybe you won't be suspended," my dad said as I watched my mom and dad hold hands and headed for the exit.

"Wait," I said as the both of them turned around to look at me.

"U-Um, do you know about the book club? In our library?" I asked as mom smiled in joy.

"Yes, as a matter a fact I do. Their people from your school. I was honored that it was the Student Council President, his sister who's Secretary, and the Vice," mom said as I nodded.

"I joined it. Nathan and I," I said as my mom was shocked. She hugged my dad out of glee as I gagged when both of their eyes were closed.

"I'm so proud! You're going to make a lot of friends there," mom said as she released the hug from my dad and just continued to hold hands.

"And by a lot you mean three," I said as dad smiled and nodded.

"In your case, that's a lot. I'll contact the principal tonight and you can do your homework in the library your mom and I are going on the date we missed. We left Larry in charge of the library," dad said and winked as the two walked out of my room.

I sighed and took my books that I needed for my homework and walked down the stairs. I actually paid attention to what I was studying for once. Fourth quarter means finals at the end.

"Excuse me, miss is this seat taken?" I heard someone ask. I rolled my eyes to see that Nathan was hiding behind a book titled '100 Ways To Ask A Girl Out'. I rolled my eyes and shook my head and patted the seat next to me on the booth.

"Great!" Nathan exclaimed and put his arm around me again. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"There's no reason for you to be doing that, ya know. There isn't anyone in our school here," I said as Nathan pointed over to a table where three guys were sitting.

"John Hancock, Alexander the Great, and Aaron Rogers are over there," Nathan said as I bursted out into sudden laughter.

"Your a genius! I would never waste that much time paying attention in history for a nickname," I said and opened my history book and started to study. Even so, I only pretended reading my book since I couldn't concentrate with the fact Nathan had his arm around me.

It just, annoyed me so much. I hated the fact that he always had to do this even though it wasn't necessary. He was even reading his dumb book from the library he got from the romance section, and he knows that romance just makes me plain sick.

"Okay, are you trying to annoy me right now? Because I literally can't study and finals are a few months away. Why aren't you studying anyways?" I asked as Nathan just laughed.

"Have you been to classes in the Philippines? America's much easier, I'm sure that I can ace all of those finals tests and they'll just be a piece of cake and review," Nathan said as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, you can take off your arm off of my shoulders I'm pretty sure people get the idea now," I said as Nathan nodded, retracting his arm as I was able to read my history book in piece, and got a bunch of information in my head. I felt someone put their arm around me again.

"Sasha just walked in with Jack, her boyfriend. Drama will go down. I repeat drama will go down," Nathan said, sounding more protective than usual. I rolled my eyes as I face the clown face with makeup and the show offy buff football guy standing next to her as they held hands.

Of course, I grit my teeth when that shit walked over here.

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