One Month Only

18 1 2

I woke up in the morning with zero sunshine since it was raining. I covered my eyes back up when I just remembered what just happened yesterday. I was never allergic to love, I was just suffering normal symptoms from love. And, Nathan Torio liked me? Or, likes me? Is this stuff even true?

And let's not even start...the symptoms and my mom being right about Nathan Torio? The way I was acting when he left? The way I changed when he came back? The only person I would allow myself to play Mario Kart with and make weird jokes about gushy romance that I found disgusting?

We are basic opposites. He's social, I'm antisocial. He likes romance, I despise it. He's smiling all the time, I'm just occasional and are most of the time fake. So if we did ever, get in that kind of relationship, it would be a mess. A horrible mess.

"Maria! You're going to be late for school!" I heard my mom exclaimed as I sighed and rolled off of my bed and made it quickly, though it still looked like a blob of mistakes as I ran to the kitchen to eat my breakfast.

"Bye sweetie," dad said and kissed my mom on the lips and I covered my eyes as he patted me head and left the building. I sighed and looked at the breakfast I had and saw that it was blueberry pancakes with the syrup showing a smiley face and a pat of butter as the nose.

I sighed and spread the butter and syrup around the pancakes and started eating as my mom searched the table with her hands for her glass of orange juice as Hanatamago was eating his food from his bowl right next time mom, but he was on the floor.

"I can tell you didn't sleep well. You woke up late and I can hear the way you were walking down the hall," mom said with a chuckle and took a sip. I licked my lips and started to eat my pancakes in silenced.

"Were you thinking about what I said yesterday? About Nathan?"

I immediately froze and gulped my food down as mom smiled, as if she could see the expression on my face I made right now. Even so, it was impossible, since she was blind.

"N-No, of course not. I'm a hated of romance, remember?" I asked and ate my pancakes again when I heard my mom chuckle.

"Maria, you're stuttering," mom said as I shrugged, frowning in defeat.

"It just haunts my mind, that I would be a hypocrite. Someone disgusted by seeing love out in public, when I'm in love myself," I muttered and finished the last of my pancakes, walking it over to the sink.

"Go get dressed for school, I'll do the dishes," mom said as I nodded, leaving the dishes in the sink and walking into the bathroom. Brushing my teeth, taking a shower, and putting on my clothes which just happened to be an old school anime T-Shirt.

I looked at myself in the mirror and clenched my fists, thinking of the fact that I might be in love.

Even so, how does it even feel like to be in that kind of relationship.

"...Pointless," I said and combed my hair, petting Hanatamago's head as a goodbye and I told me mom I was going off to school. I walked carefully on the sidewalk and stuffed my hands in my pockets, facing down on the converse shoes I was wearing.

"Sorry, I forgot you were allergic."

I clenched my fists and felt my face grow red. I reached the school as I spotted Nathan waving at me. I walked closer to him and took a deep breath.

"Were you...trying to ask me out?" I asked him as I saw his face turn red. I saw his face make a sort of weird face that made him look sheepish, and he scratched the back of his neck.

"W-Well I....," Nathan said, stuttering. And just like my mom said, stuttering is a sign. I chuckled and crossed my arms as he continued to stutter like an idiot unable to say a word.

"Yeah, I guess I was. Please don't kill me!" Nathan exclaimed as I couldn't help but laugh.

"One month," was all I said. Nathan stopped looking like a wimp and looked a bit confused.

"What do you mean one month? Yeah, it is one month until the quarter is over," Nathan said as I rolled my eyes.

"No, stupid. I'm giving you one month. One be in that kind of relationship... Because I actually, kinda like you...and if I were ever in a relationship then it would be with someone I could talk to easily...," I said quietly, trying my best to not embarrass myself. Nathan's eyes widened in shock as he just stood there. I felt my face turn red.

"Your...your being serious?" Nathan asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, make up your mind. Are you going to take the deal? Or are you going to wait for me to change my mind," I said as Nathan shook his head.

"N-No! I mean, obviously, I want to date you! But, I know you, and I don't want to fall victim to a prank of yours that you probably got from your dad. No offense at all, but he is a fun guy at times," Nathan said as I sighed, shaking my head.

"I'm about to change my mind..," I said as my eyes widened in shock when I felt his lips almost crash into mine. My eyes were wide open in shock as I stood there like a frozen statue. I felt my face turn red as my blood was flowing through my veins rapidly.

I don't know how to describe a single kiss, okay? I have never been kissed before! The only thing I could compare this to is, almost when your eating hot fudge ice cream. Not in a dirty way. Oh no. I mean, it's sweet, you don't bite it most of the time, which is good. And... nope. Not letting these thoughts consume me.

I broke away from the kiss and instead we were locked into each other's gaze. He had a big grin on his face as he picked me off the ground with his arms wrapped around my waist and started to twirl me around. I was blushing furiously mad.

"H-Hey, isn't this a little embarrassing?" I whispered as he just chuckled.

"Aren't I embarrassing enough? I'm in love with you so I don't care if I get embarrassed? I've always been, even ever since middle school and I was sobbing when I left!" Nathan exclaimed as my eyes widened in shock. I hesitantly reached for his hand with my fingers trembling. I slightly yelped when he intertwined our fingers together.

"I...I love you too, I guess," I said shyly and bit my lip, walking into the halls with him.

Honestly, it, kinda felt better walking inside the horrid school, with someone by my side. I guess, that's all I wanted. Maybe, hands together, arm around each other, just makes me feel a bit more safe. And, and, maybe even happier.

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