Chapter 17

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////// Four Hours into the Party \\\\\

No One's P.O.V

Loud music and a house full of hormonal teenagers grinding, dancing and kissing each other while alcoholic drinks sloshed around with flashy lights lighting up the burning poison with in the glasses and cups, Logan couldn't feel more out of place as she stood near a corner against the wall a she watched the scene unfold before her hazel eyes and she scrunched up her nose at the reeking smell of alcohol and then Stiles squeezed through a pair of grinding teens and smiled at Logan "Heeey!" He managed to say over the top of the pounding music and Logan smiled "Hi!" She half yelled in response as Stiles smiled down at his date, his bloody beautiful date, and Logan smiled "Having fun?" She asked as Stiles lowered his head closer to hers in order to hear her better but all it did was make Logan's face red but the fluorescent lights mask the colour from her cheeks as Stiles memorised all of her details in his whiskey coloured eyes.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?"

Stiles said into her ear, he really did feel like a cheesy idiot for saying it, but Logan was an old school kind of girl when it came to romance not that Stiles minded though so he smiled as Logan reached up to talk back into his ear "Pretty girls get caught up in the wrong crowd, so what's a gent like you doin in a rowdy crowd?" She asked and Stiles smiled with a raised eyebrow as he watched Logan laugh and as Stiles opened his mouth to say something there was a hand spinning Stiles around "Stiles! I need to talk to you!" Scott said, his darker and mysterious brown eyes full of slight panic and emergency, and Stiles looked back at Logan and she shook her head with a smile "Go help Scott, I ain't going anywhere." Logan answered and together the pair disappeared into the crowd leaving Logan alone in flashing lights and red cups.

Liam's P.O.V

I stand outside with Mason, a cup in my hand not that I am actually drinking it, and I listen to Mason and another guy talking about physics class or something, I wasn't really paying attention as I turned to see a dark haired brunette standing inside with Malia and it seems that Malia is trying to persuade Logan into having a cup of whatever alcohol is inside and so this time I excuse myself from Mason and his friend, who seem to be having a flirting war, and I make my way inside to Logan and Malia "So what's going on?" I ask, slightly yelling, and Malia gives me a look "Tell her it's okay to have one drink!" Malia said to me and I looked at Logan "You don't have to if you don't want to." I say instead earning me a warm smile and Malia rolls her eyes and turns her attention back to Logan "Come on Logan, one drink really won't hurt and it'll loosen you up, plus Lydia made it just for you so it's probably not even that bad." Malia kept insisting "Probably?" I ask and Malia sends me a look that says 'If you don't shut up I'll personally shove this cup down your throat myself' and so I hold my hands up in surrender "It's your choice Logan, but I'll definitely stick with you through the night if you do." I slyly smile, kinda in agreeance with Malia just so I have an excuse to stay with her, and Logan chews her lip while looking at Malia and me and then takes the cup as Malia handed it to her.

"Bottoms up."

Logan says as she drinks the whole cup and then cough a little, leaving Malia and I a little stunned, and so she puts the cup down and grabs my hand "Let's dance, I am sick of being a wallflower." She says happily as she starts to take me into the middle of the room "What did Lydia put in that!?" I ask as Malia smiles "You'll see!" She calls out as her figure gets swallowed up by people and as soon as I turn my head back around I see Logan turning back to face me "Do you know how to dance?" She asked and I nod "Kinda, not good though." I admit and she giggles before being half pushed into me, courtesy of the fellow grinding teens around us, I catch Logan by the waist and her hands half onto my chest as she looks at me and giggles nervously as I make no effort in wanting to let go anytime soon so instead of shoving me away Logan slides her hands up from my chest and up around my neck, so I pull her closer, and soon we just start to sway a little or at least Logan does. Logan's hips swung side to side as the music played and I lost myself in her smile and found myself intoxicated on her body, but sadly it wasn't to last.

Scott's P.O.V

I jog out to the small clearing in the middle of the parked cars "Scott what's going on?" I hear Stiles ask me "Something's wrong." I tell him as I turn to face him "Yeah something's wrong, I was finally starting to get in with Logan and then-""No Stiles I mean something is wrong." I say and I flash my eyes and his mind clicks to what I am saying "So what is it? Chimeras? Peter? Derek?" He asks and I give him a look at the mentioning of Derek's name "What? Don't forget he is the guy that refused to tell us he was alive and slept with a Darach, he might not be evil but that guy is totally messed up!" He said with an exasperated look on his face and I glared at him a little before spinning around a little to the sound of something moving in the surrounding woods

"Scott what is it?"

Stiles asks me as I try to sniff out a scent only to smell one of the most foul smells ever, like something dying and rapidly decaying at the same time, and I feel Stiles move closer to me as more sound emits from the woods "I-I don't know, he's fast! I can't see him, it's too dark" I reply as I hear Stiles groan "Did you seriously forget you are a True Alpha Werewolf!?!" He whispery yells into my ear and sigh and allow my wolf eyes aid me in finding whatever was out there "I swear if it's another coyote..." Stiles says as I try to focus on the blurry figure moving in the woods "Stiles we need to get everyone out of he-"I try to say as Stiles spin around to face the Boat house as a blood curdling scream lets loose and broken wood smashes to the floor from the decently sized hole that was now in the roof and people start running out as Stiles and me push our way through, trying to reach our friends as people panicked to get away "LIAM!" I call out for my Beta and I could hear Stiles calling for Logan and the others and then we got separated in the crowd "well this is a party!" A dark and low laughed as he turned to his targets;

Logan and Liam.


So that's the end of Chapter 17 I hope you guys enjoyed it and don't forget to Vote and Comment and please tell me what you think of Liam and Logan?? Do you think it should happen or is Stiles the only guy for her? Comment to let me know! J

Lilah xxx

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