Chapter Nine.

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Logan's P.O.V

I shoved my clothes into my back pack as I tried to wrap my mind over my very first 24 hours in Beacon Hills 'Is this what normally happens when you hang out with other teenagers?' I think to myself as I head into Stiles's bathroom and attempt to fix my hair from the horrible morning tangles to something that showed that I actually cared about how I looked, not that I was used to actually caring in the first place.

As I drive my fingers through my hair I think back to Sherriff Stilinski's confrontation, it was weird that was for sure, but I had only been here just under 24 hours and he already began to try and link me to a case but mainly one of the most confusing cases yet 'How could he try and link me to that so soon?' I thought to myself as I tucked my hair, now not so crazy and wild, behind my ear and let it lay on my shoulder as I leave the bathroom and swing my backpack over my shoulder and exit Stiles's room and head down the stairs. Stiles looked up from his bowl of cereal and gave me a cheesy smile "HEyyey!" He said with a mouthful of cereal in his mouth and I couldn't help but giggle "Chew the food in your mouth before you talk Stiles" I tell him as he finishes up his mouthful and puts his dish in the sink as I put mine in next to his.

"I'll just run upstairs and change, then we'll go.. we will go to schooool woooo!" Stiles cheered as he ran upstairs and I rolled my eyes with a smile growing on my lips "What a dork." I say to myself aloud as I look around Stiles's house, examining the pictures, and I see one of a young boy with a buzzcut and a toothy smile that could light up the world being hugged by a beautiful woman with beautiful dark brown locks and nice eyes. I gently curl my fingers around the frame and pick it up to examine it more and I smile at the thought of a young Stiles and his mother laughing and smiling in the sun and I then nearly drop the frame as I hear a loud thump and I hurriedly put the frame back in its place as Stiles jumps off the last step with his school bag slung around his right shoulder "So school?" Stiles asked as he held up the keys to his jeep and I nodded and followed him out of his house, which he locked after I stepped out, and I slid into the passenger of the jeep as Stiles flung his backpack into the back and started the car as I clicked my seatbelt on and he did the same "Hey Stiles, thanks again for the pizza and everything..." I thank him again as I push my black framed glasses up on my nose a little more and I see on the corner of my eye that he is smiling with almost the same grin that he had in the photo "No problem Logan" Stiles said and he started the jeep and pulled out of the driveway humming 'Highway to Hell' as he drove us to school is his really cool jeep.


Sorry this isn't a big chapter I was struggling with what to write next, thanks and please vote and comment!! This is her outfit. 

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