Chapter One.

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I know that Aiden is dead but I couldn't do it!!

This is Logan's outfit.

No One's P.O.V

Being the new kid sucked, it really did, but it wasn't something new for young Logan Greystains. Logan is a runaway, but no one knows from where. Logan Greystains is a girl of mystery yet is as open as a book but it'll take brains to figure out who she really is and what she really is running away from.

Stiles's P.O.V

I sigh as I pull up to a parking spot out the front of Beacon Hills High. Scott pats my shoulder "Stiles it'll be fine okay, you'll pass that test no problem you're smart." He tries to comfort me and I sigh again. "It's not passing that I'm worrying about, it's just proving that I'm back...the real back" I say and he squeezes my shoulder. "You'll be alright okay? The Nogistune is gone for good and we will protect know that right?" Scott says and I nod, grabbing my bag, and I slide out of my jeep, my cruddy blue jeep, and I shut the door hearing Scott do the same on the other side as I heard towards the entrance of the school.

I pass Lydia and Kira as I walk in but I can't bring myself to look at them just yet so I head straight to my locker, spinning in the combination, and I pull out the books I need and into my bag when I hear a voice. "Aww come on! I just had to get the shoddy locker now didn't I? Uuuugghh!" I turn my head to see a short girl with waist long dark brown hair that curled loosely down her back but shook as she tugged at the locker door. I closed my locker door and made my way over to her "Come, on, you, stupid- O-Oh geez I'm sorry!" She apologized as she brushed her hair out of the face and I literally felt my heart drop.

Her dark brown locks made her pale complexion standout with her rosy pink lips and her sparkling hazel eyes, seemed more green, and she had some freckles sprinkled across her cheeks. "H-Hey I'm sorry if I a-annoyed you or any-".

"No it's fine really" I cut her off, I couldn't help but smile at her and she smiles back. Man she has an amazing smile. "I-I'm just gonna help you with your locker is that okay?" I ask her stupidly and she nods. I work my 'magic' on the school locker until it finally pops open and I hear her gasp. "How did you do that?" She asks and I shrug. "Just an old trick." I confess and I pull the bag strap back up over my shoulder. "Thank you... What's your name?" She asked sweetly, her eyes sparkling. I give her a smile. "I'm Stiles, Stiles Stilinski...will you tell me yours?" I ask and she giggles. Her laugh is like clear ringing bells.

She starts stuffing books into her bag "Well I'm Logan, Logan Greystains and it's really nice to meet you Stiles" Logan replies while giving me a smile and we get lost in each other's eyes for what feels like minutes but in reality it's only been a few seconds. The loud ring of the bell snapped us out of our trance. "Well I hope I'll see you later Stiles" Logan tells me as she grips a book to her chest, a leather one with creases and pages sticking out. I nod as I slide a hand through my hair as Logan gives me one last smile as she backs up and walks down the hallway with the other students and I walked off to Homeroom.

Scott's P.O.V

I make my way inside with Kira and the others only to catch Stiles talking to a short brunette. "Well at least somethings with never change." Lydia laughs and the others join in and we make our way over to him just as the girl leaves. "So who was that?" Aiden asks Stiles as he slipped an arm around his shoulder. Stiles rolled his eyes with a smile. "Just a girl, don't worry about it." Stiles replied and Ethan went to Stiles's other side. "Aww little Stiles is growing up" Ethan mocked and we all laughed together until the bell rang and we all went to our classes.


I zone out as our teacher lectures us and Stiles talks on about a new case that his Dad, Sherriff Stilinski, was working on when I picked up a different noise. I focus in on it and I hear a voice, a female's voice, it was gentle and sweet and smooth but new and it got louder and louder until it reached the door of my History class. I straightened up as there was a knock on the door and our teacher answered it. "Hello, this is our new student and she is in your class" a student told our teacher but I couldn't see the girl but I could get her scent which was made up of hot chocolate, old books and faint traces of ink. "Bro who is it?" Stiles asked, managing to stop his talk, and I shrugged "I can't make it out." I whisper back as our Teacher addresses us.

"Alright class we have a new student here with us, please welcome her" when he finished the short brunette from earlier walked in "Hi, I'm Logan Greystains" Logan introduced shyly and in the corner of my eye I see Stiles's jaw drop slightly. "It's her." He whispers to me. This is going to be fun.


SO that's the first chapter, comment for more and don't forget to vote.

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