Chapter Six.

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Sheriff Stilinski P.O.V

I sigh with a smile on my face as I make my way downstairs. "Damn Stiles, what are you doing" I say softly under my breath as I grab the phone to order some pizza for dinner when I remember something. 'Greystains...' I think to myself as I slowly put the phone back and head to my office. I started searching through my files until I come across the file I needed. I open it up and read through the information inside to find a letter addressed to a Mr Greystains regarding a court meeting for a restraining order from a Miss Morganna Greystains. I furrow my eyebrows as I read on only to discover that there is another restraining order filed against him along with several confirmed charges of violent behaviour, illegal gun possession, fraud and money scam along with accusations of murder, assisted murder, kidnapping, abuse, and alcoholism but the accusations were quickly silenced once the family was questioned. As I read on it just gets worse and worse. When I manage to get through half the file, I discover that the females, especially the fourth daughter, have had multiple trips to the hospital and have and have had a few near death experiences but every time that they were questioned they refused to explain who was responsible.

As I go to read more I jump as Stiles walks in. "Hey Da- What are you doing?" Stiles asked curiously and I close the folder and put it back into the filing cabinet. "Dad come on-""Stiles no, I'm not telling you okay?" I tell him and Stiles is about to protest when little Logan Greystains knocked on the door. "I-Is everything alright?" Logan asked innocently and I can't help but asses her, hoping I'll find some sort evidence, and I shake my head. "No everything is alright, just Stiles being a sticky beak as usual" I tell her and she giggles as Stiles complains. "Dad come on seriously!?" And I also can't help but chuckle as I pat Stiles's shoulder when I get a little idea. "Hey Stiles how about you go and order some pizza?" I tell him and just before he tries to protest against it, I push him out the door and I manage to stop Logan just before she went to go follow Stiles out. "Hey uhm Logan can I, Uhh,  talk to you for a minute?" I ask her and I watch as she adverts her gaze from mine as she stepped out of the doorframe and into my home office. "So... Logan... your last name is a bit... familiar" I start off slowly as I asses her body language as I continue talking. "In fact it reminded me of a case that most Justice Departments were informed of cause of the... extensive extent of the situation. I was wondering if you had heard anything thing about it, or if it was just a coincidence that you just happen to share a last name with the family of the case" I ask her.

Logan finally made eye contact with me but her hazel eyes were hardened over in defence, anger but also in a bit of fear. "No, I do think it is a bit of a coincidence that I share the last names with the family in question." Logan said suddenly gaining a more mature attitude and more descriptive and adult-like answers. "Yes it does seem odd... Do you mind telling me why you have come to Beacon Hills?" I ask her and she shrugs. "Change of scenery was needed, I was... unentertained by my original surroundings" Logan answered smartly and I sigh as I lean against the wall, crossing my arms.

I try and restrain myself from fully questioning her but just as I go to ask her one more question Stiles comes charging in. "Heeeeeey!" Stiles says cheerfully as Logan gives him a small smile. "So what did you order?" Logan asks slipping back into the bubbly and slightly childish version of herself. "Pepperoni and Cheese pizza" Stiles answers and Logan's eyes become unknowingly clouded. "I-I've never had those before..." Logan confesses and Stiles gasps and I can't help but roll my eyes. "Honestly Stiles?" I ask and Stiles ignores me. "You are going to love it, they are so delicious!" Stiles awed and I groan. "Stiles if you are going to fangirl over food please at least get out of out of my office." I asked tiredly and push Stiles out of my office, Logan following him out. I closed the door sighing as I sat down and started sorting through the file once again.

Stiles's P.O.V

I wince as my dad closes the door and it hits my toe hard. "Are you okay Stiles?" Logan asks and I nod, my strained whimper failing my cover up, and Logan smiles weakly. "Are you sure?" Logan asks again and I stand up straight and nod as I run a hand through my hair and she does the same. "So you have never had Pepperoni or Cheese pizza before?" I ask her and she shakes her head as she stares at the floor. "N-No but then again I never got the chance to do much..." Logan says softly and I stare at her.

While Logan stared at the floor it was like seeing a whole different side of her already, despite only meeting each other today. Now she seemed innocent and fragile but at the same time she seemed defenceless as if she expected me to attack her, like talking about herself was forbidden. "hey..." I say softly as I reach out and go to touch her face but she flinches so I freeze. "Logan..." I say concerned and she looked at me in panic and the ringing of the doorbell breaks our eye lock and I go and get the pizza. "Dad!" I call out and I hear the office door open, "Pizza guy!" I yell out again as I take the pizzas off the pizza guy and smile at him as he frowns at me. "Hey-""Don't talk to me." The guy says grumpily and I decide to keep my mouth shut until my Dad shows up to pay.

You know what to do, the gif by the way was meant to be Stiles running back into the office :P


I'm just human.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz