Chapter Eight.

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No one's P.O.V

Stiles rubbed his nose as he slowly opened his eyes as his vision cleared, it did as he stared up at the ceiling, and he looked over to his alarm clock that read 7:30 am in annoyingly bright green then he sighed and had a small heart attack as he realised that he had a body on top of him. He looked down to see Logan lying on top of him, her arms wrapped around his waist and her lips were in a pout but the adorable kind and Stiles smiled as he pulled some hair out of her face, she looked so cute, his window allowed the sun to rest on her face and eyes which also lit up her hair to a brownish red and as Stiles examined her even more he noticed that his old jersey, which was big but looked really good on Logan in his own opinion, had slidden off of her right shoulder and exposed the soft skin underneath it and her legs were mixed and tangled with his as Stiles smiled at her and rested his head against his pillow again only to lift it up again as Sherriff Stilinski softly knocked on the door "Hey Dad, what's up?" Stiles asked quietly but was loud enough for the Sherriff to hear him from his bedroom door "You have school in an hour but I figured that it would be good for you to see if you could get Logan back to her house to get her some clothes?" The Sherriff replied in a low voice and Stiles nods "I'm heading to work now, but I'll be there for your Lacrosse game tonight..." Sherriff Stilinski added as he left 'Right the game tonight...' Stiles thought to himself as Logan moved in his arms "mmmm....." Logan murmurs and Stiles hugs her waist.

"Heeey..." Stiles said softly and Logan slowly opened her eyes, they shone like eyes of a tiger from the sunlight, and she smiled sleepily "Hi..." Logan said softly as Stiles smiled at her "Sleep well?" Stiles asked and Logan nodded "You are like a warm teddy bear..." Logan spoke softly, causing Stiles to blush a little, and as Logan's mind finally caught up with the rest of her Logan's eyes went wide as she realised that she was sleeping on top of Stiles, her arms draped around his torso and she had only just met him yesterday "Oh geez!" Logan gasped as she quickly scrambled off of Stiles and over to his desk "Logan are you okay?" Stiles asked and Logan panted slightly, from shock and a little from fear, but Logan managed a small nod as she remained staring at the carpeted floor as Stiles cautiously crawled out of bed and made his way over to her slowly, adjusting his blue shirt, and he remained quiet as he stood before her and she remained silent as well but Logan's breath hitched as she felt Stiles's arm slowly make their way around her waist and he buried his face into her neck "You don't have to be afraid of me" Stiles said to Logan, his warm breath tickling her neck, and Logan relaxed and slowly wrapped them around his neck.

Stiles's P.O.V

The urge to bash my face with a brick was strong once I realized I was hugging Logan like we were dating, probably scaring the daylights out of her since we only met yesterday, but I couldn't help it. Logan practically ran from me once she realised her position, she flinched when I went to go and touch her face and she refuses to make eye contact whenever she thinks I'm mad or upset with her so in a way she is acting like kid that's in trouble with their Dad 'Maybe that's why Dad was going through his files last night, what if she was abused!?' Stiles thought to himself as his accelerated brain started to already piece together the information he already had 'Evidence would probably start with the scars on her back, then the fear of male affect-'"Stiles?" Logan called sweetly and I immediately lose my train of thought "Yeah?" I answer back and I feel my face heat up as to what she says next "You can let go now." So I step back, unwillingly letting her go, and I give her a smile "Sorry, you're just really huggable..." I confess and I immediately want to shove my face through a wall "So are you" Logan replies as she giggles softly, her cheeks a soft pink, and I smile before I snap out of the moment "So I guess I better get you back over to your house so you can get changed..." I say and Logan's face immediately goes a bit sour and I feel horrible 'Way to go Stiles, make her feel like you don't want her around' I think and I scratch the back of my neck nervously  "Well I could drive you to school after you get ready?" I suggest and Logan looks up at me with a smile and joy in her eyes "You sure? You've already done so much..." Logan spoke softly and I waved her off "Nah come on, I like having you around! You at least smell better than Scott, he smells like a sweaty dog" I laugh and Logan crinkles up her nose, the freckles on her nose clustering together, but she smiled as she brushed some hair out of her face "Well I'm grateful honest." Logan tells me "So back to my house?" Logan asked and I wasn't fast enough to stop my mouth "At least buy me dinner first." I say and Logan stares at me wide eyed with a smirk playing in the corners of her mouth "What a gentlemen you are?" Logan fired back and I smiled "Well us Stilinski's are known for our high-class cars and 5-star pizza" I reply and she giggles, her giggles echo through the empty house, and I chuckle too "Okay we better get going." Logan smiles and makes her way downstairs and into the kitchen.

"So when does school start?" Logan asks and I grab two bowls along with milk and cereal "It starts at 8:30 and finishes at 3:35 but the Lacrosse game starts at 3:55 and ends at 4:35" I tell her like I would tell my Dad, but minus the irritated tone of voice from having to repeat it all the time, and I hear her sigh a little as I pour the milk into the cereal "And then Lydia's party is from 5:00 to 2:00 cause it's the weekend..." I look up at her and see her staring at the counter "Not a fan of parties?" I ask and she shakes her head "It's not that, it's just that I have never actually been to a party and I don't actually have anything party like to wear..." Logan sighs more and I shrug "I reckon you could show up in anything and still look really nice" I say as I stare down at the drawer as I pull out spoons but I can feel Logan's eyes on me as I put one spoon in each of the bowls and slide one over to her she puts a hand on mine "Stiles thank you." Logan said and I smiled softly, her hand was warm and soft but small compared to mine, and I pulled my hand away "Better eat up, we have biology ugh...." I groan and she giggles "It sucks that we aren't in the same biology class then." Logan says as I stuff a spoonful of cereal into my mouth and looked at her dumbfounded "Hwwaahht!?" I say and Logan supresses a laugh, probably from my idiotic expression, and she shrugs "I'm AP Biology, and I'm also AP History and English too that and I'm AP Art now that I think about it..." Logan lists and I have to refrain from having my jaw drop to the floor so the cereal doesn't fall out of my mouth "Are you serious!?" I ask as I swallow my cereal and she nods "I suck at math and science, geography too" Logan adds "We can't all be perfect" I tell her as she munches on her cereal "We weren't made to be perfect, and that's okay, it's how we are meant to be." Logan smiles and I smile back "So you need clothes for today..." I say as I glance at the clock, realising it's now 7: 45, and she shrugs "I could just wear this." Logan says and I give her a look "you sure?" I ask and she nods, her hair all tangled, "I can wear your jersey with my black jeans from yesterday and my converses, I have all my books and stuff here anyway." Logan informs me and I nod as she slips off of the chair and heads upstairs "I'll go pack my stuff so we can go!" She yells out as she disappears upstairs and leaves me to the sad thought of how hollow and empty I will feel when she isn't here.


Aww so that's the latest chapter! Sorry I currently don't have a lot of internet so please stick with me and we will pull through!!! Vote and Comment for more!!

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