Chapter 14

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Stiles's P.O.V

I stumble after Logan as we enter the art room, the smell of bleach that was probably used to clean up the blood and paint filled the room, now knowing why Logan has been trying her best to avoid this room, I look around and take in the surroundings. I turn and see that Logan was pulling out a canvas and I sit on the table behind her "So what have you been painting?" I ask her and she turns to me and she starts to tie her long hair up in a ponytail and she sighed "Well the first time it was just a pretty field with flowers but I gave that to another person to use..." She admitted and I screwed up my face "Why?" I asked ad Logan shrugged "I just wasn't really feeling the painting and plus that kid broke their arm so it was easier that way." Logan said as she grabbed paint and a paintbrush, putting a new canvas on the easel and I watched her prepare everything she needed as he sat next to a desk "So what are you gonna do instead, if nice happy flowers aren't what you are y'know feelin." I said, shaking my head around in my humoristic manner causing a giggle to stir within Logan as she tied her hair back "Well I had this really cool idea thanks to you actually and Lydia and Scott too now that I really think about it." Logan admitted blushingly as she picked up a paintbrush and then stared at the blank canvas, reminding myself of when I would stare at my investigation board, and she chewed on the end of the paintbrush before she started painting.

"Hey Stiles." Logan spoke softly and Stiles' head snapped up from his phone "Hmm?" Stiles replied back as Logan chewed her lip "Could you sit there please? I have an idea..." Logan said with her mind deep in thought as Stiles nodded and sat on the desk next to where Logan had set up her canvas "Hey Logan" Stiles asked as Logan 'hmm'd in response as she was still too wrapped up in her work to give back a proper reply "Lydia's having a party on Friday.." Stiles mentioned as Logan kept working on her canvas and Stiles continued to talk "W-Would you u-uhmm... would you like to be my uhhh... Would you like to go with me? As like a date?" Stiles finally managed to spit out as Logan blinked out of her trance and stared at Stiles "A d-date?" Logan stuttered and Stiles's natural fidgety nature took over him more so than it usually did "Y-Yeah I mean only if you want to I mean after all parties aren't everyone's thing and since you're still kinda new to Beacon Hills you won't know a lot of people so it might be awkward an-""Stiles I-I would love to go as your date!" Logan had to almost half yell just to be heard over Stiles's rambling and it was now Stiles's turn to stare in surprise "Seriously?" He asked and Logan nodded, her cheeks flushed a rose red from what had just occurred, and Stiles smiled at her and she smiled back at him both now very excited for what was to come.

// Time Skip to Lunch//

"Are you serious!?" Kira Yukimura half squealed as Logan's cheeks flushed red as she tried to calm her down her overjoyed friend "Yes I'm serious Kira! Do you really think I'd make something like this up?" Logan said to Kira as Lydia smiled "Well I think it's cute, I'm going to pull out all the tricks I've got on this party" Lydia told the pair and Logan shook her head "I don't think I can go in the end" Logan said and Lydia as well as Kira looked at the young girl "Why not" they said sync and Logan sighed "Last time I checked I am not the most fashionable person on a regular day, let alone a party, I don't know what to do!" Logan sighed and Lydia flipped her hair over her shoulder I think we all know what this calls for, Kira you can call Malia and I'll call Erica." Lydia instructed and packed up her History book and textbooks as she swiftly and confidently exited the classroom leaving Kira and Logan to gather their things "Hey Kira, since you're dating Scott, do you have any clues about... you know..." Logan awkwardly tried to ask about dates and Kira giggled "Just be yourself, don't act, he asked you cause he likes who you are so don't be different" Kira told Logan and Logan smiled "Thanks Kira you're the best." Logan thanked as she gave Kira a quick hug before making her way out of her classroom, passing Scott as she did and she also gave him a quick hug, and Logan raced off to her next class.

"Did I miss something?"

Scott asked as he leaned against the door frame of the classroom door, the tattoo just visible underneath the sleeve of his back t-shirt that showed off his muscular arms, and Kira smiled at her very attractive and sweet boyfriend "Logan was asked by Stiles to be his date to Lydia's party on Friday." Kira said to him simply as she watched his dreamy brown eyes light up and blink in surprise "Wow, I didn't think he'd make a move that fast, I figured it'd take him like a month." Scott laughed soft as he made his way over to Kira "You ready to go?" He asked as she swung her bag over her shoulder "Yup!" Kira replied happily as Scott gently pressed his lips to hers and the intertwined their fingers and pulled away "I love you Kira." Scott said softly, Kira smiled knowing how hard it was for him to say it sometimes, and she kissed him softly again "I love you to Scott." She said as they finally made their way out of the classroom and to their next class, with an inner groan coming, was sadly with Mr Yukimura.

So that's this chapter I'm sorry I kept you guys waiting, I had a lot of stuff happen so thank you for waiting!

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