Chapter 16

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Logan's P.O.V

I sigh as I sit at the end of Kira's bed, I gave the excuse that my 'Uncle' didn't want me alone in my house while he was gone, and I straightened my dress out as I waited "I feel so overdressed..." I mutter as Kira turns around, fixing her hair, and she smiled at me "Don't worry about it, Lydia will probably be the same, she was at the last part she threw" Kira added as she added some soft and natural lipstick as I sighed 'Yeah the one I skipped' I think as I hear the soft roar of Scott's motorbike "Well Scott's here, I should get going, Stiles shouldn't be far behind" Kira turned to me as I softly rose to my feet "Well I'll see you soon" I spoke softly as Kira hugged me "This party won't be as bad as you think, have a little confidence and faith" She said in my ear and Scott knocked on the open door "You girls ready to go?" He asked with a smile and Kira's smile widened at the sight of him 'They are so cute' I smile "You better get going Kira." I tell her as I jump at the sound of familiar honking from outside "So should you" Scott chuckled and I giggled and then I saw Kira smiles slyly "What are you planning?" Scott asked his girlfriend "Wait here for a minute and then bring Logan out she giggled as Scott nodded, obviously catching onto the plans that I didn't get and with that Kira left the room.

Kira's P.O.V

I smile as I walk past my parents, who were having a deep conversation in the kitchen, and I open the door to see a nicely dressed Stiles Stilinski leaned up against his car "Oh hey Kira, Logan still getting ready?" He asked curiously and I laughed softly "She was done before me, putting my time management skills to waste." I joke as I walk up to him and he lets a small smile grow on his face "You have time-management skills?" He asked and I rolled my eyes "Hush up, just really make Logan feel special when he gets out here." I smile, knowing that Scott would've heard me, as his eyebrows shoot up "Like you'd expect me not to?" Stiles asks in a sarcastic tone as I playfully punch his arm and I hear Scott's voice behind me

"Well I might have to punch you otherwise"

Scott answered as I spun around to see Scott with a blushing and nervously smiling Logan next to him as she waved nervously and Scott chuckled, probably getting waves of her nervousness, and he placed a hand on her back and brought her to us and Stiles, for once since I've known him, has and still is lost for words as Logan stands before him "I-I know I'm o-overdressed.. b-but the o-others insisted!" Logan squeaked nervously and Stiles smiled, his eyes lighting up, and he chuckled "Nah, I'm underdressed, I couldn't be bothered to iron a nice shirt." He joked and Logan giggled before Scott interfered jokingly "Have her back here before Midnight pal!" He said with a silly voice and Stiles, Logan and I laughed before we all calmed down and we decided to start leaving "See you there!" I told them as I swung a leg over Scott's bike and wrapped my arms around his waist, Scott revved the engine and we sped off down the road.

Stiles's P.O.V

My mind was still trying to wrap itself around how great Logan looked, slightly overdressed or not, she looked like a damn knockout, a home-run, a strike! Like I couldn't think of anything to say as I opened the passenger door for her "Milady?" I ask and she giggles before climbing into the car and I closed the door, running over to my side and just as I got in I caught Logan waving at Mr and Mrs Yukimura, who were at the door before closing it, and she turned to me "I'm staying with them tonight, I thought I should be nice." She defended herself and I shrugged "It's a good thought, let's go." I reply as I start the car and drive off, leaving the Yukimura house behind in dust.

"So do these parties go badly like they do in books?" I hear Logan ask softly as I give her a quick look "No like almost never." I tell her, slightly lying considering that the last party I remember attending was later attacked by the Oni after I had left, and she nodded allowing her dark brown hair to shine in the passing lights as we neared Lydia's house or more correctly her Boat house, her mother decided not to sell it, and Logan let out a nervous sigh

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