The Meeting

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Chrysanthi's P.O.V

"That was insane. What were you thinking Helena. Do you understand that if Harry hadn't stopped the security guards, they would have kicked you out? You wouldn't be here to meet them in person." I screamed at her while we were waiting to be called. I still couldn't believe we won that contest. We were going to meet them. Oh fuck. I was ecstatic.

"Well.. It was worth it" Helena said and checked her make up. She was always wearing too much black eyeliner and always needed to check how it looked.

"The whole world will think you are a slut. Why did you give him your panties? Why on stage? Couldn't you wait until now?"

"No, Chrys!! Just think about it. In a few hours I'll be all around Twitter and Tumblr. The girl who kissed Harry's neck and gave him his panties!!!" she said and rolled her eyes playfully.


"Of course he did, honey!"

"He did!!!"

"Yeah, right. Just like Michael heard me call him "Pokemon"" she said. I spotted a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"But he smiled at you!" I said to cheer her up.

"No he didn't. He was smiling at the crowd. Not me specifically."

There was a pose there. I opened my mouth to say something but she cut me.


"I KNOW RIGHT" I said and we screamed.

"Hey girls. Take it easy now. The boys are ready to meet you." I heard a security guard saying. We followed him to the dressing room door. He opened it and said.

"The contest winners are here."

I heard Ashton saying something before the security guard opened the door obviously cutting him.

"Great. I'll meet them first." Luke said and walked to the door. When he saw us his eyes widened and his jaw dropped to the floor. I don't know why.

"Um... Guys. The girls are here"

He said and turned around. We followed him. My heart was about to burst. As we entered the room I saw all eyes on us.
It is probably Helena's appearance. I thought. But Ashton was looking at me. ME.. I grabbed Helena's hand and squeezed it lightly. She didn't respond. I turned to see what she was looking. I was pretty shocked when I noticed her panties on Michael's hand. But, to be honest, I didn't care so much. Ashton was staring at me. Like when he was on stage.

"Hey girls. I'm Calum"

He was between us with one hand on my shoulders and one on Helena's

"We know who you guys are!!" Helena said, still staring at Michael.

"Yeah, but we don't know who you are" Zayn said from across the room.

"I'm Helena and this Chrysanthi."

"You can call me Chrys!" I mumbled.

"Hello girls!!!" They all said and laughed.

We started talking to the boys. They were all so awesome but my mind was on Ashton. Why is he  staring at me? I could feel his eyes on me the whole time. I was talking to Calum and Liam when I heard Helena apologizing to Louis and Harry for what she did.

"How do you feel that you're not wearing your panties at the moment?" I asked her. I really wanted to tease her but instead she smiled and turned to Michael

"Naughty" she almost whispered.

I saw Michael biting his lips. I was quite enjoying the fact that she was doing anything to drive his attention. And she seemed to get what she wanted

"Aren't you going to talk to me?"

Ashton was whispering in my ear, making me close my eyes from the pleasure. I hope he didn't notice it.

"Hey Ashton" I said, obviously nervous.

"Relax, Chrys! I'm just a normal person. I'm not God!
You are to me.

The thought crossed my mind

"Ok. I'll relax!" I lied. How could I possibly relax? I'm talking to Ashton Irwin.

"So you are the contest winner" he said and ran his hands through his hair

I sighed.

"What happened?" he asked

"Oh, nothing. It's just... YOU'RE ASHTON IRWIN!!" I said and he laughed.

There was a pause between us. I noticed that Helena was finally talking to Michael. She was all over him, trying to touch him at any chance. I saw him leaning against her, whispering something in her eyer and then sniffing her hair. Immediately she collapsed.

"Shit!" I said and literally ran to see what happened. "Helena are you all right? Talk to me for fuck say!!" I screamed full of concerned.

"I'm on the floor dying!" she said

"Bitch!! You scared me!" I said and kicked her.

"Don't kick her!" Michael said.

"Ok, I won't do it again" I smiled.

Ashton pulled me away.

"What was that?" I said pointing at them.

"Nothing. He probably told her that he smelled her underwear." he said normally

"He did what?!?" I said obviously shocked.

"Yeah I know. He is a pervert" he laughed.

"Yeah, perfect for her" the words came out before I could stop them

"What?!?" he asked.

"Nothing! I said nothing!"

"Ok! Would you like me to take your jacket??" he said and I gave him the jacket, which I have completely forgot that I had with me.

"Thank you Ashton"

He smiled at me and I melted. I wanted to ask him if he was looking at me during the show. I opened my mouth to ask but I regreted it.

I continued chatting with Ashton. We were talking about anything. I started mocking Helena for showing almost all of her tattoos and piercings to Mike. But, sadly it was time to go. Ashton helped me put on my jacket before living and Michael gave Helena his number. As we walked towards our car I was devastated

"Come on Chrys. It's Ok. I'm sure he'll give you his number through Michael."

"No he won't. He had his chance."

I heard her phone buzzing. From her expression I understood it was Michael.

"I'm gonna be sad for the rest of my life." I told her and put my hands in my jacket pockets to find the car keys. Next to the keys I touched a little piece of paper. I took it out to see what it was. I really wasn't playing to much attention, until I unfolded it and saw a phone number and a phrase written above it. I read it out loud
˝Yes. I was staring at you during the concert. Ashton˝

Mistress and Pet (Ashton Irwin, BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now