Night Before the Wedding

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Niall: On the night before the wedding, Niall stayed with the boys and Greg at Greg's house while you stayed with Denise, Maura, and the rest of your bridal party.

You were very nervous yet so excited. Right now the only person that could calm you down is Niall or your mom, which you couldn't have either of.

The fact that your mom couldn't be there started to set in and that when something inside you changed. You were sad that whole night until Maura noticed who pulled you aside and asked what was wrong. As you told her you began sobbing and she comforted you. She asked what would help you and just asked if you could see Niall.

She disappeared after that without saying anything else which left you shocked that she didn't even respond. You stayed in the kitchen fiddling with your ring thinking until you heard some gasps and then Niall coming into the kitchen where you were.

"Princess, your mom might not be where you can see her but she is watching and she will be with you. She would be so happy for you," he said pulling me in for a hug. Niall stayed a little while after that until you were happy again and then Maura made him leave.

Now you can do the things happily knowing your mom is with you every step of the way.

Harry: Your mom and Anne insisted that you guys go down memory lane on the night before the big day. You had no idea why your mom and Anne would bring photos from yours and Harry's childhood to share with you, Gemma, and some other ladies in your bridal party.

To be honest it was quite embarrassing to share childhood photos of yourself. There were pictures you would laugh at, some you would smile at, and some that even brought tears to your eyes.

In the beginning you didn't really want to do this but at the end of day, you were glad you all did because it just brought back great memories that will soon have a new addition to it.

Louis: The night before the wedding you spent doing last minute checks and preparations with your mom and Jay. Despite Louis' protests you still did the checking and all instead of relaxing like he told you to.

You separated from your mom and Jay and decided to get to know the place you were getting married better on your own. You were walking around the lake(The ceremony is by a lake) when you heard someone clear their throat behind you. You turned around and saw Louis.

"Why are you out here Y/L/N. I told you, you should be relaxing," he said coming up beside you. "Same goes to you, Tomlinson," you said.

Despite the rule that says you shouldn't see the bride/groom the night before the wedding, you guys walked around the venue just talking. That was until Jay and your mom found you and forced Louis to leave...

Liam: The night before the wedding you had intended to have an absolute peaceful night all to yourself. You didn't want anybody there for some reason. You didn't know wether it be because of the fact your closest family members wouldn't be at your wedding, or you didn't want to have a fall out with anyone on the night before your wedding. You knew that you more than likely wouldn't have a fall out with somebody but you were just being "cautious".

After sitting at home for a while you got up and decided to visit your parents grave. Your parents had been buried in L.A because even if you and your brother lived in London, you didn't want to take them away from their home.

The drive was slightly long but you had to do this. You knew your parents would be so proud of you and Liam even if they never met him. As you got to their grave the tears were already falling. You never thought that you would have to do this.

As you crouched down in front of the grave you traced their names with your finger still slightly crying. "Hey mom and dad. It's been a while since we talked." You said slightly laughing at yourself. "I'm getting married together. Can you believe that! I'm getting married in your dress mom," you said smiling at the memory of the dress. "Y/B/N is going to walk me down the aisle. Not a lot of people do that but I guess I'm just special," you said crying harder now. "I know I might not see you guys but I know you're watching over me," you said.

You stayed a little longer "catching up" until you left. You were glad you got to visit them before the big day.

Zayn: Zayn's sisters made sure you were going to have fun that night. They planned out snacks, games, movies, everything for a girls night. Trisha and your mom were also there which made it even better.

Halfway through the night filled with activities, Safaa, Trisha, and your mom were asleep. Waliyha and Doniya both left for their rooms so it was just you. Minutes later you received a text from Zayn.

From: Z🙈
Boys are all drunk off their ass's... I'm bored. Pls helpppppp

To: Z🙈
Alright meet me in the hallway. Safaa, your mom and my mom are all asleep and Waliyha and Doniya went to their rooms🙁 I'll bring the food

You grabbed some snacks and headed to the hallway to find Zayn already out their waiting. "So I know we shouldn't see each other right now, but I couldn't resist" he said smirking and then kissing you. "A little rule breaking. No one needs to find out right" you said smirking as well.

After talking a while you got tired and fell asleep with your head on Zayn's shoulder. Him being the guy he is, carried you bridal style to your room, tucked you in, and went back to his room.

OMG GUYS I UPDATED!!!! Also, HAPPY 6 YEARS OF ONE DIRECTION!!!! I know for a lot of people it was yesterday but I live in America so today is the 23rd. Since today is such a special day I made myself update.

I also realize that Niall's and especially Liam's, were longer then the other boys and I apologize, I got carried away. I am going to try and update tomorrow but we'll see. I'm going through some slightly shitty stuff right now so I might be a little late. I might start having a schedule where I update on Fridays and Saturdays... Idk yet tho so. Well anyway, Byeeeeeee❤️


Edited: June 13, 2017

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