The Proposal

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(From this point on it's your P.O.V until I say it isn't)

Today Niall said he wanted to do something very special for me. When I asked what he just said I need a break after having a hard week at university. All he said before he left for the studio is that I need to go to the place we met for the first time and dress classy yet casual.

So doing as told I put on a dress that stopped a little above my kneecap and was longer in the back with a jean jacket and white converse. I did my hair and makeup and was finally ready. (I feel awkward for writing that part out and idk why...)

I thought back to where we first met and it was my universities football stadium. I guess it was luck Niall just so happened to be there.

I drove there and when I got there, standing waiting for me was Niall. I walked over to him and I could tell he was nervous. " Hey princess, you look beautiful" Niall said smiling cheekily. "Thank you! You look quite nice yourself" I said kissing his cheek.

After talking about our days we went inside the stadium because he claimed he had something really important to do. Okay?

As we got in he lead me to the middle of the stadium. "Is there a reason why we had to come out into the middle of the field?" I asked slightly confused. "Actually, yes. Y/N, I have loved you for almost 5 years. I remember seeing you so excited over that game and it was adorable so I figured I'd talk to you. At first I thought it'd just be a one time thing but we both proved myself wrong. When I deal with hate you are there. When I'm sick, you're there. You make me laugh, smile. You do so much for me because you care and I love you so much for that" he said. At this point I was crying. He stopped for a second and then got down on one knee taking my left hand. "Y/N I have wanted to do this for 2 years now and I finally have the courage to. I love you so much it hurts so this is why I'm asking this question. Will you marry me?" He said opening the box revealing a beautiful ring. Not trusting my voice I just nodded trying to hold in my sobs. Even Niall was tearing up. He slipped the ring on my finger and stood up which only made me pull him in for a hug. When we pulled away I kissed him but this time it had so much more meaning. I'm marrying my prince.

Tonight Harry said he had a present for me when I got home from work. He has been really nervous all week so I'm kinda nervous as to what it could be.

I just returned home and saw my moms car for some odd reason. I didn't know she was coming over.

"Hey mom what are you doing here?" I asked putting my stuff down. "Harry needed be to give you this and this," she said handing me a dress and a letter. I opened the letter and it said:

"So you may be confused as to what I'm doing. Well I'm not telling  you quite yet so you'll just have to figure it out with these clues. Put on this dress and go to your favorite restaurant. That's where you will find your next clue,
Harry xoxo"

I went and put on the dress and added some stuff here and there, did my hair, makeup and headed to *(your favorite restaurant)*.

When I got there I saw Anne sitting outside with another note. She gave me the note which said:

"I knew you would figure that out. This one is a little different. Go to the studio,
Harry xoxo"

I went to the studio and  saw the boys standing there with another letter. Louis handed me the letter which read:

"Alright last one I promise. This place is very special to us. Meet me at our secret getaway,
Harry xoxo"

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